The Effect of Rear Seatbelt Advocacy and Law Enforcement in Reducing Injuries among Passenger Vehicle Occupants in Malaysia


  • Rohayu Sarani Accident Database System and Analysis Unit, Road Engineering and Environment Research Centre, Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research, Lot 131, Jalan TKS 1, Taman Kajang Sentral, 43000 Kajang, Selangor.


Rear Seatbelt Interventions - Poisson model - Health Outcomes.



The increase in car usage due to economic prosperity has led to increase in occupant injuries. One way to reduce the injuries encountered by road accident victims is by implementing the rear seatbelt (RSB) law. Rear seatbelt wearing has been proven to save lives. In Malaysia, the implementation of the restraint system for front occupant has started in the 70’s. However, the rear seatbelt enforcement law only came in 2009, after six months of an advocacy program. Prior to the introduction of the rear seatbelt law, rear seatbelt wearing rate was rather low, started to increase gradually during the advocacy period and jumped to the highest level after two month of the enforcement. This paper attempts to assess the effectiveness of the rear seatbelt intervention in reducing injuries among passenger car occupants in Malaysia using the generalized linear model (GLM).


In GLM procedure, the dependent variable is the number of people from passenger vehicles that sustained severe and slight injuries, for the study period. The study period selected covers six months before implementation, six months during advocacy program, and six months after the law is implemented. The independent variables considered are enforcement and balik kampung activities (both are dummy variables) and time effect.


Our results suggest that RSB intervention (p-value= 0.0001) had significantly reduced the number of people sustained serious and slight injuries by about 20%.


The implementation of change in the RSB law has benefited not only in reducing the number of injuries but also result to great impact to the health outcomes.



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How to Cite

Sarani, R. (2013). The Effect of Rear Seatbelt Advocacy and Law Enforcement in Reducing Injuries among Passenger Vehicle Occupants in Malaysia. International Journal of Public Health Research, 3(1), 267–275. Retrieved from