Mobile Assisted Social Networking Language Learning

Serge Gabarre, Cécile Gabarre, Rosseni Din, Parilah M. Shah, Aidah Abdul Karim


The present article evaluates how issues faced by students in a foreign language class were resolved. These issues originating from the use of the learning management system were linked to language acquisition, affect and delivery of learning material. Past experience and current literature suggested resolving these issues through the incorporation of a social networking site on mobile devices. A grounded action research method was selected as it provided the researchers with an opportunity to react to changes and adapt their implementation. The implementation consisted of creating a Facebook group to deliver lecture notes. Moreover, this online environment was used to host student-created documents as well as ensuing peer communications in the target language. Online observations and interview data were analysed to provide the researchers with an in-depth understanding of the learning processes and to enable them to rectify their implementation. Findings revealed that students viewed the new system as an improvement as issues were resolved. Motivation to access the platform was increased, thus leading to added exposure to the target language resulting in language acquisition. A model describing the implementation was constructed which links task-based learning, learning with Facebook, mobile assisted language learning to affect and language acquisition/learning. This model should form the basis for future research on language learning with a social networking sites on mobile devices. 


Second Language Learning; Mobile Classrooms; Social Networks; Integrated Learning System; Action Research; Grounded Theory

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