M. Husnan Lubis, Rinda Putri Agusti Damanik


Arabic is a developing and dynamic language. Language always follows modernity in science, technology, and culture. This study aims to describe the translation method used in translating foreign language vocabulary into Arabic. This study is a qualitative study with a descriptive design. The data of this study were taken from vocabulary in the Al-Jazeera online magazine January 1-7, 2021 edition. The results of the study found techniques that used for translation foreign language into Arabic. The techniques is pure translation, borrowing translation, calque translation, and literal translation. Borrowing translation have two type of translation, the first type is pure translation is borrowing directly from the source language without changing it. The second is naturalized borrowing is the borrowing of foreign terms but adapted to the target language. Calque translation is is the literal translation of a word or phrase from the source language to the target language, which can be lexical or structural. Literal translation is a method of translation if the source language and the target language have linguistic similarities. Furthermore, the translation method most likely to used in the Al-Jazeera online magazine January 01 – 07, 2021 edition is the naturalized borrowing translation method (naturalized borrowing). Keywords: Translation, Arabic, change, meaning, foreign.

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