The correlation between behavior intention and family support on adult pulmonary TB patients in Central Jakarta


  • Erlina Wijayanti YARSI University, Jakarta, Indonesia


treatment supporter, behavior, pulmonary TB


Background: The prevalence rate of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in Jakarta reaches 0.6%. It is ranked the second largest after West Java (0.7%). To deal the illness, tuberculosis patients need their family support. The general aim of this study is to measure the family support in adult pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Central Jakarta.


Method: The research is an analytical research and cross sectional design. The study population are the treatment supporter of adult pulmonary tuberculosis in Central Jakarta area. The subject of the study are the treatment supporter recorded in the YARSI TB care database. The number of samples are determined by quota sampling. The data collected is quantitative data.


Results: The respondents involved are 51 people, aged between 17-71 years old. Male respondents are 20 people (39.2%) and female respondents are 31 people (60.3%). The majority of the respondents’ education level is senior high school (70,6%) graduates. The treatment supporters living with the patients are about 45,1%. Family support is good, about 54,9%. Bivariate analysis showed p value=0,033 (correlation between behavior intention and family support).


Conclusions: Behavior intention is significantly correlated with the behavior of family support in adult pulmonary tuberculosis patients Motivation and persuasive action are required to maximize the support for pulmonary tuberculosis patients.


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How to Cite

Wijayanti, E. (2020). The correlation between behavior intention and family support on adult pulmonary TB patients in Central Jakarta. International Journal of Public Health Research, 10(2), 1209–1214. Retrieved from