Keeping Promises: Value Reflected from the Perspective of Risalah Nur

Siti Farahin Ahmad Nawawi, Rosseni Din


Keeping promises is an overlooked yet essential values during current rise of Society 5.0. It is defined as an act of commitment and social practices. This leads towards current modern society we’re living in; with technology, working and dealing with applications and services – despite the exchange of monetary and values, they all commit towards one higher priority: fulfilling promises. Hence it is obvious how ‘promises’ are part of outcome and deliveries needed during current rise of Society 5.0. This review paper will elaborate how keeping promises is an important value discussed from the perspective of Risale-i Nur, a thematic interpretation of the Quran by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, influential Muslim scholar in Turkey and philosopher of the late Ottoman. The value of keeping promises not only essential for Muslim but it is also defined integrity as well as contributes towards personal benefits. Overall, it is obvious how ‘promises’ are part of outcome and deliveries needed during current rise of Society 5.0 and technology involvement in personalized education nevertheless it is reflected how we are all living in this world; working, living, enjoying benefits and enduring trials as given and commanded by The Ultimate Owner, Allah SWT, hence we should be in the best manner, act according to the rules, and maintain our faith, integrity, and truthfulness because the rewards are accordingly and measured to bits by The Most Just and Fair.


society 5.0, keeping promise, risalah nur, value

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