
  • Nurhannis - Department of Administration Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Indonesia
  • Asrifai - Department of Administration Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Indonesia



Collaborative governance studies highlight the character of governance between different pillars of governance and the agenda of good governance in public policies and programs. This study aims to determine the dynamics of collaborative governance in handling earthquakes, liquefaction and tsunamis in Palu City. Research using qualitative methods. Research informants were the Mayor of Palu City, Chairperson of Palu City DPRD, Head of Palu City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPPD), Humanitarian Institution, Palu City Disaster Victims. The results of the study show that collaborative governance as an array of governance by directly involving non-government institutions in the implementation of relevant public policies and programs and carried out properly in handling the earthquake, liquefaction and tsunami of Palu City in 2018. Research also shows that there are 3 (three) aspects in the dynamics of collaborative governance in response to the earthquake, liquefaction and tsunami response in Palu City. First, the movement of shared principles (principled engagement). Second, shared motivation (shared motivation) and third, the capacity for joint action (capacity for joint action). There is an interesting finding in this study that collaborative governance is not only used in viewing public policies and programs that are designed from the start but can also be applied in precedent programs such as disaster management. Collaborative governance has been initiated by public bodies, but collaborative governance in handling public earthquakes is based on a shared concern for humanity due to the tsunami and liquefaction.

Keywords: Collaboration, Governance, Disaster management



Kajian governans kolaboratif menonjolkan karakter tata kelola antar pilar governance yang berbeda dengan agenda good governance dalam program dan kebijakan publik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dinamika governans kolaboratif dalam penanganan gempa bumi, likuifaksi dan tsunami Kota Palu. Penelitian mengunakan metode kualitatif. Informan penelitian adalah Walikota Kota Palu, Ketua DPRD Kota Palu, Kepala Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPPD) Kota Palu, Lembaga Kemanusiaan, Korban Bencana Kota Palu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa governans kolaboratif sebagai arransement tata kelola pemerintahan dengan penglibatan secara langsung institusi bukan kerajaan dalam pelaksanaan program dan kebijakan publik relevan dan dilaksanakan dengan baik dalam penanganan gempa bumi, likuifaksi dan tsunami Kota Palu tahun 2018. Penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa ada 3 (tiga) aspek dalam dinamika collaboroative governance penanggulanangan gempa bumi, likuifaksi dan tsunami Kota Palu. Pertama, pergerakan prinsip bersama (principled engagement). Kedua, motivasi bersama (shared motivation) dan ketiga, kapasitas untuk melakukan tindakan bersama (capacity for joint action). Terdapat temuan menarik dalam penelitian ini bahwa collaborative governance tidak hanya dipakai dalam melihat sebuah kebijakan dan program publik yang didesain dari awal tetapi juga bisa diterapkan dalam program insedensil seperti penanganan bencana. governans kolaboratif selama ini diinisiasi oleh badan publik namun governans kolaboratif dalam penanganan gempa publik didasari oleh kepedulian bersama terhadap rasa kemanusiaan akibat gempa tsunami dan likuifaksi.

Kata Kunci: Kolaborasi, Tata kelola pemerintahan, Penanganan bencana


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Environment & Landscape