
  • Norfadillah Derahim Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, Malaysia National University, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Kadir Arifin Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, Malaysia National University, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Kadaruddin Aiyub Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, Malaysia National University, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Amirul Shazli Sahimi Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, Malaysia National University, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Nik Raihan Nik Mansor Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, Malaysia National University, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Masdila Johari Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, Malaysia National University, Selangor, Malaysia



Safety management practice indirectly minimize the costs of incidents and accidents by positively influence workers’ safety capabilities and behaviour. In relation, this study was conducted to analyse the level of employee safety climate towards organization among the operational and maintenance staff of urban rail transport management organizations. The data were obtained through the survey method using questionnaire. The respondents were 441 employees that were randomly selected. The results show that the overall level of the organizational safety climate is moderate. This is a major challenge for the urban rail transport management system. Organizations need to focus more on safety values, safety training and safety systems to improve the safety climate level among their employees. This finding provides valuable guidance for researcher and responsible parties in organization especially the Malaysia railway organization. As a result, an organization could enhance its capabilities and enhance its image, and thus help Malaysia attract large numbers of foreign investors to the country.

Keywords: Safety climate, Railway management system, Organisational safety climate, Employee




Amalan pengurusan keselamatan secara tidak langsung meminimumkan kos insiden dan kemalangan dengan mempengaruhi keupayaan dan tingkah laku keselamatan positif pekerja. Sehubungan dengan itu, kajian dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk menganalisis tahap iklim keselamatan pekerja terhadap organisasi di kalangan kakitangan operasi dan penyelenggaraan organisasi pengurusan  pengangkutan rel bandar. Data diperoleh melalui kaedah tinjauan menggunakan borang soal selidik. Responden yang terlibat adalah seramai 441 pekerja dan pemilihan dibuat secara rawak. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa tahap penilaian iklim keselamatan organisasi secara keseluruhan berada di tahap sederhana. Perkara ini merupakan cabaran utama bagi sistem pengurusan pengangkutan rel bandar. Organisasi perlu lebih fokus terhadap nilai keselamatan, latihan keselamatan dan sistem keselamatan untuk meningkatkan tahap iklim keselamatan di kalangan pekerja. Dapatan kajian  memberi panduan berharga bagi penyelidik dan pihak bertanggungjawab dalam organisasi terutama organisasi pengendali tren Malaysia. Impaknya, sesebuah organisasi dapat meningkatkan keupayaan dan imej serta dengan membantu Malaysia menarik banyak pelabur asing ke negara ini.

Kata kunci: Iklim keselamatan, Sistem pengurusan pengangkutan rel, Iklim keselamatan organisasi, Pekerja.


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