
  • Abdul Basir Mohamad Professor Department of Syariah Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia



Hima atau tanah simpanan bukanlah suatu yang asing dalam Islam. Ia wujud sejak zaman Rasulullah SAW dan Khulafa’ al-Rashidin lagi. Jika disoroti sejarah zaman sebelum Islam, konsep hima ini telah pun dibincangkan oleh para sejarawan, cuma sistemnya berbeza dengan apa yang diamalkan oleh Islam. Apakah faedahnya hima ini? Jika diamati istilah hima atau dalam bahasa Melayu disebut sebagai Tanah Simpanan Awam, sudah pasti tergambar dalam pemikiran kita tujuan untuk merizabkan suatu kawasan tanah bagi tujuan pemeliharaan dan penjagaan alam sekitar. Tetapi dalam zaman sebelum kedatangan Islam, para pembesar Arab  menentukan sesuatu kawasan tertentu untuk kepunyaan sendiri. Keluasan tanah tersebut ditentukan sejauh salakan anjing. Apabila sesuatu kawasan hima itu ditentukan, orang lain tidak dibenarkan lagi membangunkannya melainkan keizinan pemiliknya. Apabila kedatangan Islam, Rasulullah SAW melarang tindakan tersebut kerana ia boleh menyempitkan kawasan tanah bagi kemudahan orang awam. Lebih-lebih lagi ia boleh merosakkan keseimbangan ekosistem dan ekologi alam persekitaran. Objektif kertas ini adalah untuk mengkaji konsep hima menurut Islam di samping mengenal pasti hubungannya dengan pemeliharaan alam sekitar. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penghasilan kertas ini melalui kajian kepustakaan. Analisis dokumen daripada maklumat dan fakta asal berbentuk buku dan kitab dalam bahasa Melayu dan Arab. Hasilnya dapatlah dikatakan usaha memelihara alam persekitaran sudah pun wujud bersama kedatangan Rasulullah SAW. Usaha tersebut telah pun dilakukan oleh Rasulullah SAW dan para Sahabatnya melalui pelbagai cara, antaranya melalui sistem hima.  

Kata kunci: Hima, Tanah Simpanan Awam



Hima or reserve land is not an uncommon in Islam. It existed since the time of the Prophet (pbuh) and the Caliphs of al-Rashidin. If we look back the history of pre-Islamic era, the concept of hima has been discussed by historians, but its system was apparently different from what was practiced by the Prophet and also his Companions. What is the benefit of hima? If we observe the term of hima or in the Malay language is referred to as Public Reserve Land, is certainly reflected in our thinking for the purpose of reserving an area of land for preserving and protecting the environment. But in the days before the advent of Islam, the Arabian dignitaries specify a particular area for their own. That particular area is determined as far as the barking of dogs. When an area is determined, the publics are not allowed to use and develop it unless it has been permitted by its owner. After the advent of Islam, the Prophet forbade such action as it may constrict the area of land for the convenience of the public. Moreover, it can disturb the ecological and ecosystem balancing on environment. The objective of this paper is to examine the concept of hima according to Islam and to identify its relationship with the environment. The methodology used to produce this paper is through library research. Documental analysis has been used on information and facts from books and articles either in Malay and Arabic. The outcome could be said that in fact the efforts to preserve the environment have already been done by the Prophet Muhammad. These efforts have already been made by the Prophet Muhammad and his Companions through various means, including through the hima system.

Keywords: Hima, Reserved land


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Environment & Landscape