
  • Zaini Sakawi Associate Professor School of Social, Development and Environmental Studies (SEEDS) Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia



Bau merupakan salah satu elemen persekitaran yang boleh memberi impak ke atas persekitaran fizikal dan manusia. Sesuatu kacau-ganggu yang disebabkan oleh bau merupakan petunjuk penting berlakunya pencemaran bau. Serakan pencemaran bau boleh berlaku bergantung kepada faktor meteorologi seperti keadaan cuaca, suhu, kelembapan, kelajuan dan arah angin. Selain itu, faktor topografi dan sumber pencemar juga turut mempengaruhi serakan tersebut. Bagi meneliti wujudnya perbezaan serakan antara pelbagai sumber pencemar, kajian ini cuba melihat dan menganalisis perbezaan serakan pencemaran bau dengan membandingkan kosentrasi bau yang diukur di tapak pelupusan terbuka dan tapak pelupusan sanitari. Dapatan kajian jelas menunjukkan wujud perbezaan ketara antara kedua-dua sumber ini walaupun daripada sumber tapak pelupusan. Konsentrasi bau yang diukur di punca sumber di tapak pelupusan terbuka didapati lebih tinggi berbanding dengan konsentrasi bau yang diperoleh dari tapak pelupusan sanitari. Dapatan juga menunjukkan faktor jarak turut mempengaruhi serakan bau mengikut jenis punca sumber bau tersebut.

Kata kunci: Pencemaran Bau, Kacau-Ganggu, Tapak Pelupusan Terbuka, Tapak Pelupusan Sanitari, Faktor Meteorologi



Odour is one of the environmental elements that can have an impact on the physical and human environment. Something nuisance by the smell is an important indicator of the odour pollution. The dispersion of odour pollution can occur depending on meteorological factors such as weather, temperature, humidity, speed and wind direction. In addition, topographic and others odour sources also can influence the dispersion of odour pollution. In order to examine the dispersion differences between various sources of pollutants, this study is attempts to analyse the differences of odour pollution dispersion by comparing the odour concentration measured at open landfill and sanitary landfills. The findings clearly show that there are significant differences of dispersion between these two resources of landfill. The concentration of odour measured at the source of the open disposal site was found to be higher than the odour concentration of the sanitary landfill. The findings also show that the distance factor also affects odours dispersion according to the source of the smell.

Keywords: Odour pollution, nuisance, open landfill, sanitary landfill, meteorology factors


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Environment & Landscape