
  • Rosmala Nur Biostatistic, Family Planning and Demography Department, Public Health Faculty of Tadulako University Jl. Soekarno-Hatta KM. 9, Palu, 94116, Indonesia
  • Lusia Salmawati Occupational Health and Safety Department, Public Health Faculty of Tadulako University Jl. Soekarno-Hatta KM. 9, Palu, 94116, Indonesia
  • Syarif Hidayat Occupational Health and Safety Department, Public Health Faculty of Tadulako University Jl. Soekarno-Hatta KM. 9, Palu, 94116, Indonesia
  • Muh. Jusman Rau Epidemilogy Department, Public Health Faculty of Tadulako University Jl. Soekarno-Hatta KM. 9, Palu, 94116, Indonesia
  • Herawanto - Epidemilogy Department, Public Health Faculty of Tadulako University Jl. Soekarno-Hatta KM. 9, Palu, 94116, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Rusydi, H Geophysic Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Public Health Faculty of Tadulako University Jl. Soekarno-Hatta KM. 9, Palu, 94116, Indonesia
  • Pitriani - Enviromental Health Department Public Health Faculty of Tadulako University Jl. Soekarno-Hatta KM. 9, Palu, 94116, Indonesia



Industrial hearing loss was ranked first in the list of occupational diseases worldwide, 7% of the western population and 21% in the developing world.Continuous exposure to noise will result in persistent and unrecoverable hearing loss. Measurement results in parking area, office space and engine room at diesel power plant Silae using Sound Level Meter are known noise level between 71.6 dB-95.869 dB. This study aims to assess the hearing loss of workers in the Silae power plant. This research is quantitative with Cross Sectional design. Sampling was done in total sampling. The results showed that from 66 respondents, there were 27 respondents had hearing loss. Years of service more than 10 years (Ï = 0.00), duration of exposure more than 8 hours (Ï = 0.003) and use of personal protective equipment (Ï = 0.002) related to hearing loss. Basically use of personal protective equipment is an appropriate preventive measure in reducing the frequency of noise exposure, but it should be noted the type of personal protective equipment and how to use it. As a recommendation, workers' awareness raising in the proper use of personal protective equipment is required, particularly workers at the highest noise level. Tighter surveillance and the provision of standard personal protective equipment can be the first step in raising worker awareness.

Keywords: hearing loss, years of service, exposure time, personal protective equipment


Kehilangan pendengaran industri menduduki tempat pertama dalam senarai penyakit pekerjaan di seluruh dunia, 7% penduduk barat dan 21% di dunia membangun. Pendedahan berterusan terhadap bunyi bising akan mengakibatkan kehilangan pendengaran yang berterusan dan tidak dapat dipulihkan. Hasil pengukuran di kawasan parkir, ruang pejabat dan bilik enjin di loji janakuasa tenaga diesal Silae menggunakan Sound Level Meter diketahui tahap bunyi antara 71.6 dB-95.869 dB. Kajian ini bertujuan menilai kehilangan pendengaran pekerja di loji janakuasa tenaga diesal Silae. Kajian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan reka bentuk Cross Sectional. Persampelan dilakukan secara persampelan. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa dari 66 responden, terdapat 27 responden mengalami kehilangan pendengaran. Tahun perkhidmatan lebih daripada 10 tahun (Ï = 0,00), tempoh pendedahan lebih daripada 8 jam (Ï = 0,003) dan penggunaan peralatan pelindung diri (Ï = 0,002) yang berkaitan dengan kehilangan pendengaran. Pada dasarnya penggunaan peralatan pelindung diri adalah langkah pencegahan yang sesuai untuk mengurangkan frekuensi pendengaran bunyi, tetapi harus diperhatikan jenis peralatan pelindung diri dan cara menggunakannya. Sebagai cadangan, peningkatan kesedaran pekerja dalam penggunaan peralatan pelindung diri yang diperlukan, khususnya pekerja pada tahap bunyi bising tertinggi. Pengawasan yang lebih ketat dan penyediaan peralatan perlindungan peribadi yang berpiawai boleh menjadi langkah pertama dalam meningkatkan kesedaran pekerja.

Kata kunci: Kehilangan pendengaran, tahun perkhidmatan, masa pendedahan, peralatan pelindung diri


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