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Author Guidelines
ASEAN COMPARATIVE EDUCATION RESEARCH JOURNAL ON ISLAM AND CIVILIZATION is an open access peer reviewed research journal. ACER-J provides a platform for the researchers, academicians, professional and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, and literature reviews in Education Field, Islamic Studies, Arabic Language & Islamic Civilization. Articles are published in Arabic, English and Malay.
ACER-J is published by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. In addition, distinguished scholars from local and foreign universities are appointed to serve as advisory board members and referees.
The Journal publishes articles written in the Arabic, English and Malay language. Article submitted to the journal for publication should be original contribution and must not have been previously published or is under consideration simultaneously by any other publication.
The article should be typed with single spacing, single column and font size 12 on A4 paper 10 to 15 pages and should be submitted using the online submission system at Online Submissison System
Authors should prepare their articles according to the guidelines provided in this section. Articless not prepared according to these guidelines may be returned for revision before any editorial consideration.
Article should be typed in a single spacing. The type on paper should be clear and readable. The font size for the article title is 14, the font size of the main topic is 12, while the font size of the article content is 10. Types ‘Times New Roman’ font is used for this journal.
Each copy of an article must include a separate title page, which should be the first page of the article. The title of a the article should be concise, descriptive and preferably not exceeding 15 words. Articles in Bahasa Melayu should also provide an English title.
The title page should contain the title of the paper and the author’s name, Name of Organization, City, Country, and Email Address. The title page will be removed before the article is sent out for the review.
The article must include an abstract, describing its main points within 150 - 200 words. The abstract of empirical based articles should consist of introduction ,purpose objective, methodology, results, conclusion, implications, future work, and recommendation, while for conceptual articles the abstract should consist of introduction, objective, conseptual framework, dan future work.
The abstract of English article only in English language, while the abstracts of the Malay article should be in Malay and English language. The article should have 5 keywords.
Empirical based articles
In general, the contents should comprise of Introduction, Methodology, Findings and Discussion, Conclusion, and References. While, for Malay article the contents should comprise of Pengenalan, Metodologi, Dapatan dan Perbincangan, Kesimpulan, dan Rujukan. The following highlights some of the elements that authors need to incorporate in the article. For the Introduction section, authors should situate the argument of the study in an existing literature base and suggest the potential significance of the study in terms of: filling the gap in the existing professional knowledge, literature and/or the potential of improved practice. For the Methodology section, authors should provide the theoretical support for the method, explain the general procedures used with respect to sample selection, instrumentation, data reduction and analysis techniques (quantitative and qualitative). For the Findings and Discussion section, the authors should provide tables and figures that make the data accessible, giving illustrative examples, state the major findings and conclusions relating them to the research question(s), and state any practical issues that emerged in data collection, such as reliability, validity, generalizability/ transferability; depending on the context of the study. For the Conclusion section, authors should state the implication, significance, contribution and limitation of the study in an integrated manner.
Conceptual articles
In general, the contents should comprise of Introduction, Topic 1, Topic 2, Topic 3, Conclusion, and References. While the contents for Malay article should comprise of Pengenalan, Topik 1, Topik 2, Topik 3, Kesimpulan, and Rujukan. The number topic is depends on the author. A conceptual article should provide solid arguments towards answering one or more related questions. The article should begin with a review of previous work on the chosen topic and authors should argue, provide evidence and examples that supports the author’s thesis relating to the questions. The article should illustrate the author’s subjective position towards the issues and questions that are under consideration.
Main heading should be used to designate the major sections of a paper. Centre main headings and type in all uppercase letters. Type secondary headings flush left using uppercase letters. Paragraph headings should be typed in lowercase letters (except for the first letter of the initial word). Do not break up a page to start a new heading.
Illustrations and tables should supplement the text and not duplicate it. Each table should have a title, centered at the top of the table, that is proceeded by the word TABLE and its number. Notes to a table should be placed below the table. While all charts, graphs, drawing and other illustrations should be referred to as figures. Figures should be numbered and given title and typed at the bottom of the figure. Authors should be prepared to supply final camera-ready prints for all figures at the time the articles is accepted for publication.
Footnotes are not recommended. Endnotes should be used only if absolutely necessary and must be numbered consecutively throughout the articles with superscript Arabic numerals. On a separate page, type the text for endnotes in the order in which they are mentioned in the text.
All entries in the reference list must be cited in text. Cite references in text using the author-date method [e.g., Sidek (1998) or (Sidek, 1998)]. If a work has two authors, always cite both names every time the work is referred to in the text. If a work has three to five authors cite name of the first author followed by “et al.”
An alphabetically-ordered reference list should be included at the end of the articles. All references cited in the text must appear in the reference list. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all information in a reference. Several references by the same author(s) should be ordered chronologically (earliest date first). The references is using APA style with no italic on the specific words, and the authors need to add ‘(In Malay)’ at the end of the each refences when the title of the reference is in Malay.
i) Books
Silverman, D. (2000). Doing Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Strauss, A. L., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Vygotsky, L. S. (1934/1962). Thought and Language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
ii) Journals
Adnan, A., Din, R., Hassim, M. S. M., Hassan, H., Ahmad, J., Mohamed, N., &, Hassan, M. N. A. (2013). Cabaran dalam pelaksanaan e-pembelajaran bagi program pensiswazahan guru (PPG) [Challenges in the implementation of e-learning for teaching graduate program]. Tempawan Jurnal Penyelidikan, XXX: 13-23. (In Malay)
Baskerville, R., & Pries-Heje, J. (1999). Grounded action research: A method for understanding IT in practice. Accounting Management and Information Technologies, 9, 1-23.
Jacobs, G. M., Curtis, A., Braine, G., & Huang, S.-Y. (1998). Feedback on student writing: Taking the middle path. Journal of Second Language Writing, 7(3), 307-317.
iii) Proceedings
Ally, M., McGreal, R., Schafer, S., & Tin, T. (2007). Use of mobile learning technology to train ESL adults. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mobile Learning (pp. 1-8). Melbourne, Australia.
Gabarre, S., & Gabarre, C. (2010a). Taking a look at Facebook profiles: Students' choice of pictures. Proceedings of the Malaysia International Conference on Foreign Languages (MICFL 2010) (pp. 257-267). Serdang, Malaysia.
Selwyn, N. (2007). 'Screw Blackboard... do it on Facebook!': An investigation of student's educational use of Facebook. Proceedings of the Poke 1.0 - Facebook Social Research Symposium (pp. 1-23). London, United Kingdom.
iv) Electronic Reference
Abdullah, L., Azhan, H. N., Saman, Y. M., Noor, N. M. M., & Amin, W. A. A. W. M. (2013). The use of web 2.0 in e-learning: Evidence from a public university in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference for e-learning & Distance Education, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Retrieved from
Baba, S. (2010). 1 Malaysia: Pendidikan asas transformasi negara sejahtera. Dipetik daripada (In Malay)
v) Dissertations
Pin, U. (2012). Penilaian program perintis usahawan di sekolah rendah. Tesis Doktor Falsafah. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. (In Malay)
Din, R. (2010). Development and validation of an integrated meaningful hybrid e-training (I-MeT) for computer science: Theoretical-empirical based design and development approach. Doctoral thesis. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
It is the author's responsibility to ensure that his or her submitted work does not infringe any existing copyright. Authors should obtain permission to reproduce or adapt copyrighted material and provide evidence of approval upon submitting the final version of a articles.
Articless will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and at least one independent referee. Decisions regarding the publication of a articles will be based on the Board's recommendations. The articles will be evaluated based on its appropriateness for Journal of Personalized Learning, contribution to the discipline, cogency of analysis, conceptual breadth, clarity of presentation and technical adequacy. Articless submitted by members of the journal's Editorial Board are subjected to the same review procedure.
One set of proofs will be sent to the author(s) to be checked for printer's errors and it is the responsibility of the author(s) to submit corrections to the Editorial Board.
Similarity report of the article should be less than 25%.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
eISSN : 2600-769X
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