Warsidi Warsidi, Fiqhul Wadih


Most Muslims view that the nature of "sustenance and profit" is still limited to income and addition of wealth alone, regardless of where the income and increase in wealth come from, irrespective of the halal and unlawful aspects of income and increase in wealth. According to Islamic economic philosophy, sustenance and profit are when the wealth obtained meets sharia principles and is used for the benefit of the life of the world and the hereafter. This research opens up insights regarding the concept of sustenance and profit according to Islamic economic philosophy in determining attitudes regarding the nature of sustenance and profits that should be used for more beneficial things by the principles of Islamic economics. This study is library research, using descriptive qualitative methods accompanied by a comparative study in which the results of this study are purely from the author's analysis based on sources from literature studies and continuous cases that correlate propositions and also the order of human life by comparing several theories and existing economic theory. The results of the study show differences between the thoughts of Muslims in general and views from the perspective of Islamic economic philosophy. The essence of sustenance and profit is everything that Allah SWT gives to His creatures, which is produced by Islamic economic principles, which they then use for the life of the world and the hereafter Keywords: Nature, sustenance and profit, Islamic Economics.

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