The rise of nickel processing mining activities in Morowali Regency, Indonesia, especially in Bahodopi Sub District, has led the social cultural and economic changes. The industrialization process has quickly changed the social and economic landscape of the community, from agrarian to industrial society. The presence of some multinational companies that have been exploiting the natural resources in Bahodopi, raises hopes for the local community for improving their income. At least the companies can involve in the local community development through their Company Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. Therefore, this study seeks to uncover the dynamics of CSR implementation of the PT. Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (PT. IMIP) at Bahodopi. This research was conducted with an interpretive approach with qualitative methodology in the form of case study. The data collection is done by an in-depth interview, focused discussions and documentation studies. The research informants are the local government officials, community leaders around the industrial park, and the executors of PT. IMIP. The result of the study found that CSR activities have long been carried out by PT. IMIP since it is still in the management of PT. Bintang Delapan Mineral (PT. BDM) which was mainly done through public facilities procurement in health, education, social and activities in the government sector. The activities however, are still carried out incidentally and are not sustainable. The allocation of CSR budgets during the initial period of the establishment of PT. IMIP in 2013 until 2017 was still largely in the form of electricity subsidies which is addressed to the community in 12 villages in Bahodopi which amounted 450 million rupiahs per year and 500 million rupiahs per year per village, especially for the four most affected villages, such as Fatufia village, Keurea Village, Bahodopi Village, and Bahomakmur village. Nevertheless, protests and demonstrations often occur from the public, demanding the company’s attention to CSR activities, because the presence of PT. IMIP has damaged the environment and the economy of the community
Keywords: CSR, Community empowerment, Local communities, Nickel industry
Maraknya kegiatan industri pertambangan dan pengolahan nikel di Kabupaten Morowali, terutama di Kecamatan Bahodopi telah mendorong terjadinya perubahan sosial, budaya dan ekonomi. Proses industrialisasi yang cepat, merubah landscape sosial dan ekonomi komunitas yang sebelumnya lebih dikenal sebagai masyarakat agraris menjadi masyarakat industri. Kehadiran perusahaan besar yang mengeksploitasi sumber daya alam di Bahodopi, memunculkan harapan bagi komunitas lokal akan adanya perbaikan pendapatan, melalui program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Karena itu penelitian ini berupaya mengungkap dinamika implementasi CSRÂ di sekitar kawasan PT. IMIP di Bahodopi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan interpretif, dengan pilihan metodologi kualitatif dalam bentuk studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, diskusi terfokus dan studi dokumentasi. Sementara narasumber penelitian diantaranya adalah aparat pemerintah desa dan kecamatan, tokoh masyarakat sekitar kawasan industri dan pelaksana CSR PT. IMIP. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa kegiatan CSRÂ sejak lama telah dilaksanakan oleh PT. IMIP bahkan semasa masih dalam pengelolaan PT. Bintangdelapan Mineral (PT. BDM) terutama terkait dengan bantuan fasilitas publik baik kesehatan, pendidikan, sosial dan kegiatan di sektor pemerintahan. Sifat kegiatan yang dilaksanakan masih insidentil dan belum fokus pada kegiatan pemberdayaan. Alokasi anggaran CSRÂ selama periode awal berdirinya PT. IMIP tahun 2013 hingga tahun 2017 sebagian besar masih berbentuk subsidi listrik bagi masyarakat pada 12 desa di Kecamatan Bahodopi yang jumlahnya masing-masing Rp. 450 juta perdesa pertahun dan Rp. 500 juta perdesa pertahun khusus untuk empat desa paling terdampak iaitu Desa Fatufia, Desa Keurea dan Desa Bahodopi dan Desa Bahomakmur. Meskipun demikian, protes dan demonstrasi kerap terjadi dari masyarakat menuntut perhatian perusahaan pada kegiatan CSR, karena kehadiran PT. IMIP telah merusak lingkungan dan perekonomian masyarakat.
Kata Kunci: CSR, Pengembangan komunitas, Komunitas lokal, Industri nikel
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