
  • Mohamad Zain Musa 25 Jalan Dahlia 1 Taman Desa Dahlia 43000, Kajang Selangor D.E
  • Karim Abd Rahman 25 Jalan Dahlia 1 Taman Desa Dahlia 43000, Kajang Selangor D.E



Walaupun kerajaan Campa telah hilang sejak suku pertama abad ke-19, khazanahnya masih ditemui sehingga hari di wilayah yang disebut Negara Vietnam. Khazanah ini termasuk tapak arkeologi di mana terdiri banyak candi, monumen serta batu bersurat, semuanya masih ditemui hingga ke hari ini. Bahan bertulis seperti inskripsi ini telah ditukar bentuk kepada tulisan di atas bahan lembut yang boleh termusnah dengan lebih mudah seperti disebabkan faktor alam. Penghasilan manuskrip ini ditulis dalam bahasa Cam dalam huruf berpengaruh India-Pallava. Hanya satu jumlah kecil sahaja mereka yang boleh membaca tulisan bahasa Cam ini. Orang Cam lain yang kini bertebaran di seluruh dunia termasuk di Amerika Syarikat, Kanada, Perancis, Australia dan Malaysia akibat peristiwa 1975 yang melanda Kampuchea, Laos dan Vietnam, masih bertutur bahasa Cam, bahasa komunikasi sesama mereka dan anak-anak cucu mereka dengan sanak saudara mereka. Bagi memelihara khazanah bahasa ini, kami merumikan tulisan Cam ini dengan memantapkan ejaannya dengan menyeragamkan pelbagai ejaan yang pernah berlaku sebelum ini. Asas perbendaharaan kata Cam ini diambil dari beberapa buah kamus yang pernah dihasilkan sejak tahun 1906 termasuk Aymonier dan Cabaton. Diharapkan ejaan rumi perbendaharaan kata Cam terhasil ini menjadi panduan pada umum untuk menulis bahasa Cam dalam huruf rumi. 

Kata kunxi: Campa; bahasa Cam; manuskrip Cam; khazanah Melayu; Kampuchea; Vietnam



Although the kingdom of Campa had disappeared since the first quarter of the 19th century, its treasures are still found to this day in the region now known as the State of Vietnam. These treasures include archaeological sites where numerous temples and monuments were erected along with several stone inscriptions which are still being found to this day. However, written materials such as inscriptions had changed mediums and written on soft materials, making it easily damaged or destroyed by the weather. The production of these materials are written in Cam language using the Indian-Pallava-influenced letters. Only a small fraction of Cam people who can still read the written language of the Cam’s. This is due to the reason that many Cam people are now scattered around the world including in the United States, Canada, France, Australia and Malaysia due to the 1975 events that effected Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Nonetheless, the majority of them can still speak the cam language and use it to communicate with their grandchildren and relatives in the three mentioned countries. To preserve the valuable treasure of the Cam language, we have simplified the Cam writings in Roman scripts by strengthening and standardizing various spellings that have occurred before. The Cam vocabulary served as foundation of this work as taken from several dictionaries that have been published since 1906 including the Cam-French Dictionary by Aymonier and Cabaton, Cam-French-Vietnamese dictionary by Moussay and few others. It is our hope that the resulting rumi spelling of the Cam vocabulary would serve as a guide for the general public to write Cam in rumi letters in a uniform and standard way. 

Keywords: Champa; Cham language; Cham manuscript; Malay heritage; Cambodia; Vietnam


Abdul Majid Hj. Yunos. 2010. Kamus Cam-Melayu. Kuala Lumpur: Al-Ameen Serve Holdings.

Aymonier E., Cabaton A. 1906. Dictionnaire Cam – Français. Paris: EFEO.

Cabaton A. 1902. Nouvelles Recherches sur les Chams. Paris: EFEO.

Cabaton, A. 1909. Le Cambodge et le Campa au XVIe siècle, d'après les documents espagnols. (Extrait du Bulletin de géographie historique et descriptive, Nº3. 1908: 404-409. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.

Cœdès, G. La Plus Ancienne Inscription en Langue Cham, hal. 46 – 49. (No date; No publisher)

Hassan Tu. 2015. Grammar of the Cam Language. (No Plublisher’s name; No place of Publication).

Lafont, Po Dharma & Nara Vija. 1977. Catalogue des Manuscrits Cam des Bibliothèques Françaises. Paris: EFEO.

Maspéro G. 1928. Le Royaume de Champa. Bruxelles, Brill. Paris.

Mousay G. 2006. Grammaire de la Langue Cam. Paris: Missions Étrangères de Paris.

Mohamad Zain Musa, Danny Wong Tze-Ken & Po Dharma (Penterjemah). 2000. Empat Leksikon Bahasa Melayu – Bahasa Cam yang disusun di Campa pada abad ke 17. Kuala Lumpur: Kementerian Kebudayaan Kesenian dan Pelancongan dan EFEO.

Mohamad Zain Musa, Yusof Mohamad, Ahmad Hafiz Osman & Arifin Musa. 2012. Kamus Melayu-Cam. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Moussay, Gérard. 1971. Dictionnaire Cam-Vietnamien-Français. Phan Rang, Vietnam: Centre Culturel Cam.

Po Dharma. 1981. Complément au Catalogue des Manuscripts Cam des Bibliothèques Françaises. Paris: Publication de l’École Françaises d’Étrême-Orient.

Thanh Phan. 2007. Cham Bibliographic Catalogues in Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh City: University of Social Sciences and Humanity.

Thanh Phan. 2014. Spoken and written language of the Cham Case study inscriptions and texts written by the Cham in Vietnam. Presented at the International Conference on The Cham Art Heritage of Vietnam: Ecological, Cultural and Art Historical Traditions; 25-26 April 2014, at IGNCA, New Delhi, India.






Language & Heritage