
  • Rashidi Othman
  • Nur Shahira Azmi
  • Farah Ayuni Mohd Hatta
  • Qurratu Aini Mat Ali
  • Razanah Ramya
  • Wan Syibrah Hanisah Wan Sulaiman
  • Nur Hanie Mohd Latiff
  • Nursyafica Nadia Johari


Heath forest is a unique ecosystem different from any other type of forest; however, its preservation has not yet been given attention even when facing a serious extinction problem. The character of this ecosystem should be studied deeper to uncover ways to prevent its extinction. Thus, integrating the heath forest characteristics in an urban area may increase awareness and appreciation of this valuable ecosystem. The main goal of this research study is to explore the uniqueness of heath forests' intrinsic values as potential attributes to be implemented in an urban context. To achieve the aim, observation of two areas of heath forest in Terengganu has been conducted to identify the characters and landscape aesthetical value. Results of the study have shown that there are many unique characteristics of heath forests that can be found despite the small scale of the study area. The characteristics can be categorised into three categories: aesthetic values according to the basic landscape elements, aesthetical values according to the landscape principle, and nature art of heath forest.

Keywords: Heath Forest, Intrinsic values, landscape ecology, biomimicry, landscape heritage



Hutan kerangas ialah ekosistem unik yang berbeza daripada mana-mana jenis hutan lain; namun, pemeliharaannya masih belum diberi perhatian walaupun menghadapi masalah kepupusan yang serius. Karakter ekosistem ini harus dikaji dengan lebih mendalam bagi mencegah kepupusannya. Oleh itu, penyepaduan karakter hutan kerangas di kawasan bandar boleh meningkatkan kesedaran dan penghargaan terhadap ekosistem yang berharga ini. Matlamat utama kajian penyelidikan ini adalah untuk meneroka keunikan nilai intrinsik hutan kerangas sebagai atribut yang berpotensi untuk dilaksanakan dalam konteks bandar. Bagi mencapai matlamat tersebut, pemerhatian ke atas dua kawasan hutan kerangas di Terengganu telah dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti karakteristik dan nilai estetika landskap. Hasil kajian telah menunjukkan bahawa terdapat banyak ciri unik hutan kerangas yang boleh ditemui walaupun kawasan kajian berskala kecil. Ciri-ciri tersebut boleh dikategorikan kepada tiga kategori: nilai estetik mengikut elemen asas landskap, nilai estetik mengikut prinsip landskap, dan seni alam hutan kerangas. 

Kata kunci: Hutan kerangas, Nilai intrinsik, ekologi landskap, biomimikri, warisan landskap

Author Biographies

Rashidi Othman

Herbarium Unit, Department of Landscape Architecture,

Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design,

International Islamic University Malaysia,

53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Nur Shahira Azmi

Herbarium Unit, Department of Landscape Architecture,

Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design,

International Islamic University Malaysia,

53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Farah Ayuni Mohd Hatta

Institute of Islam Hadhari,

The National University of Malaysia,

43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

Qurratu Aini Mat Ali

Institute of Islam Hadhari,

The National University of Malaysia,

43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

Razanah Ramya

Institute of the Malay World and Civilization,

The National University of Malaysia,

43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

Wan Syibrah Hanisah Wan Sulaiman

International Institute for Halal Research and Training,

International Islamic University Malaysia,

53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Nur Hanie Mohd Latiff

International Institute for Halal Research and Training,

International Islamic University Malaysia,

53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Nursyafica Nadia Johari

Herbarium Unit, Department of Landscape Architecture,

Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design,

International Islamic University Malaysia,

53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia






Environment & Landscape