KESAN MANIPULASI ARAHAN TERHADAP KREATIVITI MURID TAHUN LIMA DALAM MENGHASILKAN PRODUK DARIPADA PERIBAHASA MELAYU (Effect of Manipulating Instructions towards Year Five Student’s Creativity in Producing Products from Malay Proverbs)
Abstrak: Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan tahap kreativiti murid tahun lima yang menghasilkan produk daripada peribahasa Melayu. Kreativiti ialah harapan masa hadapan, namun berdepan dengan isu penyampaian pengajaran dan kefahaman guru yang tidak seimbang dengan keperluan terhadap kreativiti. Pengukuran kreativiti yang pelbagai menambah konflik kepada pelaksanaan pedagogi kreatif. Kajian ini menjalankan eksperimen terhadap aktiviti kreatif dan pengukurannya. Kaedah eksperimen dijalankan menggunakan ujian pasca dan data dianalisis secara kuantitatif. Seramai 90 orang murid Tahun 5 dari tiga buah sekolah di Hulu Selangor yang sama ciri dan kategori dipilih melalui pemilihan rawak dua peringkat sebagai sampel kajian. Sampel dibahagikan kepada tiga kumpulan: 1. Arahan Standard (AS), 2. Arahan Kreatif (AK) dan 3. Arahan Kreatif Terperinci (AKT). Produk peribahasa yang dihasilkan dinilai oleh tiga orang penilai secara pengadilan subjektif menggunakan teori implisit dengan lima skala Likert. Min tertinggi bagi skor kreativiti adalah bagi kumpulan AKT (M=26.75, SP=3.31) diikuti dengan kumpulan AK (M=23.53, SP=4.62) dan seterusnya kumpulan AS (M=19.98, SP=3.54). Terdapat perbezaan skor yang signifikan antara tiga kumpulan ini dengan nilai F=23.015, (p<.05). Terdapat hubungan yang kukuh antara manipulasi arahan dengan tahap kreativiti murid dengan pekali r=.597, sig.=.00 (p<.05). Untuk menjana kreativiti ke tahap terbaik, murid-murid di usia lingkungan 10 hingga 11 tahun memerlukan arahan dengan petunjuk kreatif dan contoh yang jelas selaras dengan Teori Perkembangan Kognitif oleh Jean Piaget. Kajian ini telah memberi sumbangan yang signifikan kepada usaha pengukuhan teori dan literatur mengenai pedagogi kreatif. Aktiviti kreatif artistik berpotensi sebagai nilai tambah kepada aktiviti sedia ada. Penggunaan teori implisit untuk mengukur kreativiti mempunyai kebolehpercayaan yang baik boleh diaplikasikan dalam PdPc.
Kata kunci: Pedagogi kreatif, kreativiti murid, produk peribahasa, penilaian subjektif, teori implisit
Abstract: This study was done to examine the effect of creative activities and manipulating instructions on the creativity of fifth-year student who create products from Malay proverbs. Creativity is the hope for future but is struggling with the issue of teaching technique and understanding that are not in line with the need. The divers creativity measurement added to the conflict on creative pedagogy. This study run an experiment on creative activities and the measurement. This was post-test true experimental design and data were analyzed using the quantitative approach. The study samples involved 90 fifth-year students from three school situated in Hulu Selangor with similar characteristic chosen by two step random sampling. Sample were divided into three groups to undergo creative activities to create products from Malay proverbs. Group 1 received Standard Instructions (AS), group 2 received Creative Instructions (AK) while, group 3 received detailed Creative Instructions (AKT). Products were analyze by three evaluator using subjective judgment in implicit theory by five Likert scale. Group AKT obtained the highest mean score for level of creativity (M=26.75, SD=3.31) followed by group AK (M=23.53, SD=4.62) and AS (M=19.98, SD=3.54). There is a significant difference between the three treatment groups with F=23.015, (p<.05). There is a strong relationship between manipulated instructions with level of creativity (Coefficient value r=.597, sig.=.00, p<.05). In order to create the optimum level of creativity, students between the ages of 10 to 11 years need creative indicators and clear examples consistent with the Theory of Cognitive Development by Jean Piaget. The implication of this research contribute to the effort to strengthen theories and literature in term of creative pedagogy. Artistic creative activities have the potential to added value to current activities. The used of implicit theory to measure creativity is reliable hence could be implemented to evaluate them.
Keywords: Creative pedagogy, student’s creativity, proverb’s product, subjective judgment, implicit theory
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