Kata kunci: Penglibatan ibu bapa, penguasaan murid, penguasaan Bahasa Melayu, sekolah kebangsaan pedalaman
ABSTRACT: Parental involment a very large role in the education of children, includes in their Malay Language learning. This study aims to identify the level of parental involvement in children's Malay Language learning as well as to identify the relationship between the level of parental involvement and the level of student mastery in the Malay Language subject. In addition, this study will also identify the relationship between parents' educational level and the level of parental involvement in the student's learning of the Malay Language subject. Data was collected through a questionnaire to 108 parents. The findings of the study show that the level of parents' involvement in their children's Malay Learning is only at a moderate level. In terms of the relationship between the level of education of parents and the level of mastery of students in the Malay Language subject, it shows a positive but not significant relationship. This shows that parents' involvement does not have a positive impact on their children's mastery of Malay Language. Therefore, it is important for the school to actively involve parents in their children's Malay Language learning at school through various activities carried out at school.
Keywords: Parental involment, pupils mastery, mastery of Malay Language, rural primary school
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