The Perception of University Lecturers of Teaching and Learning In Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

Norliza Binti Ghazali, Mohamad Sahari Nordin


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has become quite a buzzword within the field of education. MOOCs in Malaysia are a very recent development. MOOCs are a new teaching innovation and practise of education delivery that targets to promote active learning and develop educational communities including thousands of students. At this early stage, not many research has been done especially in Malaysia context. This study aims to explore the perception of teaching and learning in MOOCs from the perspective of selected Malaysia public university lecturers who have had the knowledge and experiences by using MOOCs. Moreover, this study will explore how MOOCs used in teaching and learning as well as the challenges by using MOOCs and also the suggestion for MOOCs improvement. The findings show that MOOCs is a teaching and learning platform which provided e-learning and life-long learning. Lecturers apply MOOCs in teaching and learning process by using video and animation. The study also provided some challenges by using MOOCs and suggestion research for MOOCs improvement. The current MOOCs offering need to be objectively reviewed to ensure that the innovation are relevant in teaching and learning and for the educational system. Malaysia believe that MOOCs will bring positive impact in the education system in technologically-driven environment of the 21st century.

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