Iffah Abu Talib


Construction industry is one of the most injury-prone industries. Construction workers face risks culture in which safety is sometimes neglected. Safety climate culture in construction projects can include management commitment, safety training, safety communication, housekeeping and safety equipment, and work pressure supervision. There are three objectives: (1) to identify initiatives on awareness of safety climate approach; (2) to explore factors of safety climate approach; and (3) to investigate strategies on resilience safety climate approach among construction workers in residential projects. Data collection was conducted via a questionnaire survey to 48 respondents among construction workers on residential projects in Tanjung Malim, Perak. The data were then analysed using the means score of descriptive analysis and path modeling method of Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM) via smartPLS software. Findings show that equipment on site, employees’ support, and transparent procedures are keys to have safety climate among construction workers and on-site. In implementing these key elements, initiatives to raise awareness to prevent accidents and mitigate any risks at construction sites. Thus, it would be beneficial to the employees to avoid deep compensation post-incidents and to the construction workers in terms of their safety and well-being.


resilience, safety climate, construction workers, residential projects, smartPLS

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