Nurul Ain Hidayah Abas, Kathleen Otto, Ramayah Thurasamy


This study investigates the moderating role of individual-level cultural orientation and the integrating style of conflict management and it focuses on the relationship between subordinates’ depressive symptoms and job satisfaction in a collectivistic culture. Results from a study involving 390 Malaysian respondents revealed that subordinates with lower levels of depressive symptoms display higher job satisfaction, strengthening the Affective Events Theory. Horizontal collectivism, vertical collectivism, and integrating are hypothesized to buffer the negative consequences of depressive symptoms. Using Partial Least Squares analysis, results suggested a negative relationship between depressive symptoms and job satisfaction. Supporting our moderating hypothesis, integrating had an impact on the level of job satisfaction, in which higher job satisfaction was reported for high rather than low use of integrating styles. The results provide new insights into the influence of interpersonal relationships on the shaping of a subordinate’s well-being and in relation to the culture in which they are embedded. From a managerial standpoint, intervention and training designed to enhance subordinates’ job satisfaction focusing on interpersonal skills are recommended. This paper describes what is considered to be the first study to examine the relationships between depressive symptoms and job satisfaction in investigating the role of Malaysia as a collectivistic country on an individual level.

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