International Journal of Materials Chemistry (Int. J. Mat. Chem.) eISSN: 2716-6120, is a multidisciplinary journal on all aspects of materials chemistry research. Int. J. Mat. Chem. publishes original researches that demonstrate novelty and advances, either in the chemistry used to produce materials or in the properties and applications of the materials produced. This journal also wishes to publish recent findings on the utilization of bio-based materials in any related applications. Materials chemistry involves the use of chemistry for the design and synthesis of materials with interesting or potentially useful physical characteristics, such as magnetic, optical, structural or catalytic properties. It also involves the characterization, processing and molecular-level understanding of these materials.

Int. J. Mat. Chem. publishes three issues per year in April, August and December. All submissions should be made through the online manuscript system.

For any special issue applications may contact directly the Editor-in-Chief.

Example of areas within the scope of Int. J. Mat. Chem. are listed below. This list is neither exhaustive nor exclusive.

  • Artificial photosynthesis
  • Batteries
  • Carbon dioxide conversion
  • Catalysis
  • Fuel cells
  • Gas capture/separation/storage
  • Green/sustainable materials
  • Hydrogen generation
  • Hydrogen storage
  • Photocatalysis
  • Photovoltaics
  • Self-cleaning materials
  • Self-healing materials
  • Sensors
  • Supercapacitors
  • Thermoelectrics
  • Water splitting
  • Water treatment
  • Bio-based materials
  • Others related materials research



Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

  1. Publication and authorshipAll articles which are contributed to the International Journal of Materials Chemistry (IJMC) for publication would be critically evaluated (peer-reviewing process). Relevance, significance, originality, legibility, and language would be the deciding factors in the review process. Articles would be judged as acceptable ‘in its present form’, ‘with minor revision’, ‘with major revision’ or as ‘unacceptable’. Articles revised, as per the recommendations/comments of the reviewers, could be re-evaluated by the reviewers when requested to. There is no guarantee that the revised submission would be accepted. On acceptance for publication, papers would be subjected to editorial amendments.
  2. Authors' responsibilities. The title of manuscripts should reflect the content and contain terms that could improve and enable easy retrieval of the article during a literature search. An abstract is also a significant part of a scientific article and critical for information retrieval purposes/literature search―thus, it should preferably be a self-contained entity that could credibly reflect the article without reference to the main text. Article contributions are not a license for lengthy discursive treatments and internal laboratory reports are not usually considered suitable without drastic revision. By submitting a manuscript, the authors have to agree that the copyright for the article is transferred to the Publisher, if and when accepted for publication. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article. Authors are bound to maintain a high ethical standard relating to the publication of manuscripts.  Authors are obliged to (1) participate in the peer review process (2) provide retractions or corrections of mistakes and (3) identify all sources used in the manuscript and these must be manifested distinctly in the references/bibliography.
  3. Reviewers' responsibilities. The role of a reviewer is prime and vital to the editorial processing of journal publication, and thus they are responsible for upholding the high ethical standards relating to the publication of manuscripts. Being subject experts, they are obliged to demonstrate their competency and adhere to the general code of conduct, and conflicts of interest guidelines. Reviewers should treat the manuscript as confidential, judge it objectively, provide an evaluation in a timely fashion, and avoid personal criticism in their article review. Being ‘gatekeepers’ of scientific information related to R&D in their specific area of expertise, they should ensure that the evaluated articles provide informed and unbiased scientifically valuable material, with due accuracy, originality, and impact. Also, the reviewers should distinctly point out relevant published work that is not yet cited.
  4. Role of the Editorial Board/Editor-in-Chief/Executive Editor/Editor/Technical Editor. Collectively responsible (directly/indirectly) for the editorial policy, administrative, and executive actions regarding acceptance/rejection of manuscripts and publication of the Journal while ensuring that the revised articles are in accordance with the recommendations of the referees.



Department of Chemical Sciences,

Faculty of Science and Technology,


43600 UKM Bangi,

Selangor, Malaysia.


Tel: +603 8921 5424

Fax: +603 8921 5410
