Elektrolit polimer pepejal; poli(propilena glikol); poli(L-asid laktik); cecair ionik; kekonduksian ionik
Elektrolit polimer pepejal (EPP) berasaskan poli(propilena glikol)-blok-poli(L-asid laktik) (PPG-PLLA) sebagai hos polimer dan 1-butil-3-metilimidazolium klorida, [Bmim]Cl sebagai cecair ionik dihasilkan dan dicirikan dalam kajian ini. Agen gandingan heksametilena diisosianat dan mangkin timah(II)-etilheksanoat turut digunakan dalam penyediaan EPP. Sampel telah disediakan dengan kaedah pengacuanan larutan dan [Bmim]Cl divariasi dari 0 hingga 50 bt.%. Kesan penambahan [Bmim]Cl telah dikaji ke atas interaksi kimia, kekonduksian ionik, kekristalan dan morfologi bagi EPP PPG-PLLA/[Bmim]Cl. Analisis spektroskopi jelmaan Fourier inframerah menunjukkan anjakan nombor gelombang kumpulan berfungsi C=O, C-O dan regangan CH3-N bagi hos polimer yang menunjukkan berlakunya interaksi antara hos polimer dan cecair ionik. Analisis kekonduksian ionik EPP PPG-PLLA mencapai nilai yang tertinggi iaitu 1.22 x 10-5 S cm-1 pada 20 bt.% [Bmim]Cl. Peratus kehabluran PPG-PLLA dapat diperhatikan berkurang dengan penambahan cecair ionik melalui analisis pembelauan sinar-X. Analisis morfologi menunjukkan dengan kehadiran cecair ionik, EPP mempunyai permukaan yang lebih homogen.
Kata Kunci: Elektrolit polimer pepejal, poli(propilena glikol), poli(L-asid laktik), cecair ionik, kekonduksian ionik
Solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) based on poly(propylene glycol-block)-poly(L-lactic acid) (PPG-PLLA) as a polymer host and 1-butyl-3-metilimidazolium chloride, [Bmim]Cl as ionic liquid is prepared and characterised in this research. Hexamethylene diisocyanate as coupling agent and stannous(II)-ethylhexanoate catalyst were also used in the preparation of SPE. The sample was prepared by solution casting and [Bmim]Cl was varied from 0 to 50 wt.%. The effect of the addition of [Bmim]Cl was studied on the chemical interaction, ionic conductivity, crystallinity and morphology of PPG-PLLA/[Bmim]Cl. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis showed a shift in the wavenumbers for C=O, C-O and CH3-N functional groups stretchings which indicate the occurrence of interaction between polymer host and ionic liquid. Ionic conductivity of PPG-PLLA SPE achieved the highest value of 1.22 x 10-5 S cm-1 at 20 wt.% [Bmim]Cl. The reduction in the percentage crystallinity of PPG-PLLA by the addition of ionic liquid can be observed through X-ray diffraction analysis. Morphological analyis showed that at the presence of ionic liquid, the SPE exhibited more homogenous surfaces.
Keywords: Solid polymer electrolyte, poly(propylene glycol), poly(L-lactic acid), ionic liquid, ionic conductivity

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