Conceptual Study on Teaching 4.0 Competencies among Lecturers of Kolej MARA and Kolej Profesional MARA

Melor Masdoki, Rosseni Din


Education 4.0 revolution has transformed the education system in the way of teaching and learning to meet the new millennials demand. This requires educators to master the knowledge in line with the implementation of varieties of technology tools to provide the most effective teaching strategies. The use of required teaching method has given high emphasis in Higher Education Institutions. These includes the skills and competency in applying various innovative and creative teaching method in providing differentiated instructions to students. There are limited studies were done concerning the teaching 4.0 competencies. Due to this, there is also limited tools of measurement to measure teaching 4.0 competencies. Thus, the aim of this study is to derive a conceptual framework as a basis for developing assessment tools of measurement for teaching 4.0 competency. TPACK (technological, pedagogical and content knowledge) model with additional two new variables which are differentiated instructions and teaching competency will be used in this research. Item survey will be distributed to random samples of lecturers in Kolej MARA and Kolej Profesional MARA. Validity test will be run using Rasch measurement model. Finding from the development of this instruments’ model could be the solution in providing a comprehensive teaching 4.0 competency measurement tools for Higher Learning Institutions educators.


Teaching 4.0, differentiated instruction, teaching competency, Higher Education Institutions

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