Penggunaan Video sebagai Medium Pembelajaran Kendiri untuk Meningkatkan Produktiviti Belia Tani

Mohd Hafifi Mohd Hafifi, Rosseni Din


Globalization brings technology changes to the community. The explosion of information and great capabilities of technology, especially digital power and computing have challenged the education system, including the theory of learning to change. Now the concept of video in social media provides a self-learning environment with the help of information and communication technology tools. This tool is a simulation that enables the relationship to experience real learning experiences and can interact with other farmers without face to face. This facility is the best expansion agent that demands farmers to constantly update knowledge, knowledge and skills throughout their lives. The design of this study is a survey method using questionnaire as an instrument to collect research data. A total of 32 patients consisting of farmers in the Jeli district were selected as respondents. The data for this study was analyzed in descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The study shows that there is a significant improvement in skills and knowledge of the video using video as a reference and guide in agricultural activities as it is a leisurely learning activity and regardless of time and place. This shows that the use of teaching materials such as videos can improve the skills and knowledge in agricultural activities. The findings of this study are expected to help individuals who want to venture into agriculture increases the level of knowledge, understanding and readiness of self-learning methods.


Video, Pembelajaran Kendiri, Peranti Digital

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