Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia


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Author Guidelines

Prosedur sidang penyunting

Jurnal ini mengikut prosedur pewasitan double-blind. Oleh itu, penulis diminta untuk menghantar manuskrip tanpa nama-nama penulis, 'affiliations' di dalam  teks atau 'page title'. Citasi yang merujuk kepada diri sendiri dan mana-mana rujukan dalam teks seharusnya dielakkan. Muka surat depan yang mengandungi nama, gelaran, nama-nama penulis, 'affiliations' dan juga alamat surat menyurat perlu diasingkan daripada teks. Sebarang penghargaan, pendedahan atau maklumat dana penyelidikan juga dimasukkan dalam muka surat berasingan.

Editorial procedures

This journal follows a double-blind reviewing procedure. Authors are therefore requested to submit a blinded manuscript without any author names and affiliations in the text or on the title page. Self-identifying citations and references in the article text should be avoided. A separate title page, containing title, all author names, affiliations and the contact information of the corresponding author. Any acknowledgements, disclosures or funding information should also be included on this page.



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Menghantar manuskrip


    Penulis perlu memastikan manuskrip yang dihantar ke JPM tidak pernah diterbitkan sebelum ini, tidak di bawah pertimbangan untuk mana-mana penerbitan lain, penerbitannya telah mendapat persetujuan daripada semua penulis termasuklah, sekiranya ada, oleh pihak berkuasa yang bertanggungjawab secara tidak tersurat atau tersirat, oleh institut/universiti di mana kerja-kerja penyelidikan ini telah dijalankan. Penerbit tidak akan bertanggungjawab di sisi undang-undang sekiranya terdapat sebarang tuntutan untuk pampasan.


    Submission of manuscript


    Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published anywhere else, that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else, that its publication had been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities-tacitly or explicitly-at the institute/university where the research work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.


  2. Kebenaran menerbitkan bahan hak cipta


    Penulis yang ingin memasukkan gambar rajah, jadual atau petikan teks yang telah diterbitkan di tempat lain dikehendaki mendapatkan kebenaran daripada pemilik hak cipta untuk kedua-dua format bercetak dan dalam talian dan termasuk bukti bahawa kebenaran itu telah diberikan apabila mengemukakan manuskrip mereka. Apa-apa bahan yang diterima tanpa apa-apa keterangan akan dianggap berasal dari penulis.


    Permission for copyrighted materials


    Authors wishing to include figures, tables or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.


  3. Bagaimana menghantar manuskrip


    Manuskrip sebaik-baiknya hendaklah dikemukakan dalam format fail asal (Word 2007 atau lebih tinggi). Sila hantar lampiran fail secara atas talian atau email kepada editorjpm@ukm.edu.my.

    Jika terdapat kegagalan menghantar melalui e-mel, anda boleh cuba menghantar ke Ketua Editor: rozaineekhai@ukm.edu.my, atau harris75@gmail.com dengan subjek [JPM].


    Submitting the manuscript


    Manuscripts should preferably be submitted in the original file format (Word-2007 or higher). Please submit to online submission or e-mail to the editor editorjpm@ukm.edu.my and attach the files. In case of failure in sending the e-mail, you may send to Editor-in-Chief: rozaineekhai@ukm.edu.my, or Assistant Editor: mnuruddinghazalli@gmail.com with the subject line [JPM].



    Sila gunakan templat manuskrip yang boleh dimuat turun dari https://www.psima.org.my/jurnal-psikologi-malaysia/JPM-guideline


    Please use a manuscript template that can be downloaded from https://www.psima.org.my/jurnal-psikologi-malaysia/JPM-guideline

  5. 4.1 Laman tajuk


    Laman tajuk perlu mengandungi nama-nama penulis, tajuk yang padat dan bermaklumat, alamat penulis utama, alamat e-mel, telefon dan nombor faks.


    4.1 Title Page


    The title page should include the name(s) of the author(s), a concise and informative title, the affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s), the e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author.


  6. 4.2 Abstrak


    Sila sediakan abstrak antara 150-200 patah perkataan. Abstrak tidak seharusnya mengandungi apa-apa singkatan kurang jelas atau rujukan tidak khusus.


    4.2 Abstract


    Please provide an abstract of 150 to 200 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references.


  7. 4.3 Katakunci


    Sila sediakan antara 4 hingga 5 katakunci yang boleh digunakan untuk tujuan pengindeksan.


    4.3 Keywords


    Please provide 4 to 5 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes.


  8. 4.4 Panjang manuskrip


    Manuskrip JPM sepatutnya pendek. Manuskrip penyelidikan asal sepatutnya tidak melebihi daripada 6,000 patah perkataan manakala panjang laporan ringkas lebih kurang 3,000 patah perkataan termasuk abstrak dan rujukan. Matlamat JPM adalah menulis dengan jelas. Manuskrip yang panjang tidak akan diwasit. Manuskrip seharusnya dihantar dalam fail Word, menggunakan muka taip normal biasa (cth, Times New Roman saiz 12) untuk teks. Simpan fail dalam bentuk docx. (Word 2007 atau lebih tinggi).


    4.4 Length of manuscript


    A JPM manuscript is short. Original research are expected to be not more than 6,000 words while brief report would be around 3,000 words maximum, including a 150-200 word abstract and references. The main goal of JPM is a clear writing. Long manuscript will not be reviewed. Manuscripts should be submitted in word, using a normal, plain font (e.g., 12 times new roman) for text. Save your file in docx (Word 2007 or higher).


  9. 4.5 Penghargaan


    Pengiktirafan terhadap individu, bantuan, dana dan sebagainya perlu diletakkan dalam seksyen yang berasingan sebelum senarai rujukan. Nama-nama organisasi pembiayaan perlu ditulis dengan nama penuh.


    4.5 Acknowledgement


    Acknowledgements of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section before the reference list. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.


  10. 4.6 Rujukan


    Citasi rujukan seharusnya mematuhi garis panduan manual penerbitan American Psychological Association (APA) edisi ke-6.

    Senarai rujukan hanya perlu memasukkan kerja-kerja yang disebut dalam teks dan yang diterbitkan atau diterima untuk penerbitan. Komunikasi peribadi dan kerja-kerja yang tidak diterbitkan hanya perlu dinyatakan di dalam teks. Jangan gunakan nota kaki sebagai pengganti untuk senarai rujukan. Susunan senarai rujukan perlu mengikut manual penerbitan American Psychological Association (APA) edisi ke-6. Jika anda menggunakan perisian seperti EndNote untuk menjana senarai rujukan, sila tukar senarai ke teks statik (static text) sebelum menghantar manuskrip.


    4.6 References


    Cite references in the next should follow the publication manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition.

    The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communication and unpublished work should only be mentioned in the text. Do not use footnotes or endnotes as substitutes for a reference list. Reference list entries must follow the publication manual of the American Psychological Association 6th edition. If you are using softwares such as EndNote to generate your list of references, please convert the list to static text before sending your manuscript.


  11. 4.7 Jadual dan rajah


    Penyediaan bagi jadual dan rajah perlu mengikut garis panduan manual penerbitan manual penerbitan American Psychological Association (APA) edisi ke-6. Jadual dan rajah perlu dimasukkan di dalam teks. Jadual perlu menggunakan MS-Word table editor.

    4.7 Tables and Figures


    Preparation for tables and figures must follow the publication manual of the American Psychological Association 6th edition. Embed tables and figures in the text at the appropriate point. Tables should be created using MS-Word table editor.

  12. 4.8 Suntingan


    JPM tidak mempunyai editor penyunting. Mana-mana manuskrip berbahasa Inggeris perlu dihantar kepada perkhidmatan suntingan profesional selepas ia diterima untuk penerbitan.


    4.8 Editing


    JPM does not provide professional services editing. Any English manuscripts should be sent to professional editing services after it is accepted by the Editor.



Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Publication: 200.00 (MYR)
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs.

If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.