Goh Ee Leng, Michelle Lee Chin Chin



While studies have shown person-organization fit on organizational commitment, the present study aims to investigate if person-job fit plays the same role, and the effect of their role with the presence of personality factors (i.e. extraversion and agreeableness). The current study utilized a cross-sectional method among 153 employees in various marketing departments in Malaysia. It is hypothesized that organizational commitment mediates the relationship between P-J fit and intention to stay; and personality interacts with P-J fit on organization commitment. Results showed significant relationships between P-J Fit, organizational commitment and intention to stay. Though personality (i.e. extraversion and agreeableness) significantly affects employees’ P-J fit and organizational commitment, results showed that there was no interaction effect between personality and P-J fit on organizational commitment. Conversely, the study highlighted the importance of fit and personality of an individual in a marketing department.

Keywords: person-job fit, personality, organizational commitment, intention to stay

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