Charles Ganaprakasam, Norliza Abdul Majid


This study was aimed to identify the effect of ethnic socialization on ethnic identity and self-efficacy among Secondary School Indian students in Ulu Klang Zone. The study also examines the demographic variable namely parent’s socioeconomic status on self-efficacy. Quantitative approaches with survey design were used for this study. A number of nineteenth seven form three, form four, and form five students from a secondary school in Ulu Klang Zone were chosen using convenience sampling methods as studied subjects. The modified version of Multi group Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM), The Familial Ethnic Socialization Measure (FESM) and Self-efficacy for Self-regulated Learning Measure were used in this study. The findings showed that parents' ethnic socialization practice was a strong predictor of ethnic identity development and self-efficacy of Indian student of secondary school. The result also showed that ethnic identity and parents socioeconomic status was a strong predictor of self-efficacy of secondary school Indian student. As a conclusion, ethnic socialization has greater effect on ethnic identity and self-efficacy. The study implicates that parents practice of ethnic socialization able to enhance the healthy development psychologically and academically among secondary school Indian students.

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