The Effectiveness of Group CBT Module in Alleviating Body Dissatisfaction, Anxiety, and Self-Esteem Issues in Adolescents

Nordiana Terence, Norzihan Ayub, Patricia Kimong


This pilot study examines body image dissatisfaction, anxiety, and self-esteem, particularly among university and college students, which can significantly impact their mental well-being. Obsession with weight satisfaction and physical attractiveness can lead to depression, eating disorders, and social disorders. Twenty Psychology and Education students participated in this study, using tools such as the multidimensional body self-relations questionnaire-appearance scale, physical appearance state and trait anxiety scale, and body esteem scale for adolescents and adults. Additionally, a Cognitive Behavioral Group Counseling Intervention Module was utilized to restructure thinking and modify behavior. The results 0.897 suggest that this intervention can help individuals change their assumptions and beliefs regarding self-image dissatisfaction, particularly regarding physical appearance.

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