Self-Help Group as a Method to Improve Emotion Regulation in Bullied Students’

Lavenda Azalia, Rr. Indahria Sulistyarini


Bullying is a popular phenomenon that can happen to everyone. Bullying victims’ mental health will be impacted. It would make them experiencing emotional, psychosomatic and psychosocial disorders. Adolescents who experience bullying are at greater risk of being hampered in managing or regulating their emotions. Self-help groups are given as a solution for intervention. This study aims to provide self-help group interventions to eight senior high school students aged 15 to 17 years with the sex of two men and six women indicated to be victims of bullying and experiencing interference with regulation of their emotions. Participants in the study. The pretest and posttest in this study used the emotional regulation scale and was measured using the Wilcoxon test. The measurement results obtained are 0.012 which means there is an increase in regulation of emotions to all participants after being given a self-help group. The participants said that if they felt more understanding, calm, and more able to control themselves after the intervention. The existence of a new support system also makes them feel more comfortable to be open about their problems because they feel not alone and make their mental health awake.


Keywords:  Bullying, self-help group, emotion regulation, adolescent

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