Author Details

SARUDIN, ANIDA, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

  • JPBM, VOL. 10, BIL. 1 (MEI 2020) - Articles
    PELAKSANAAN AMALAN TERBAIK PENGAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU DALAM KALANGAN GURU SEKOLAH RENDAH (The Implementation of Best Teaching Practices of Malay Language Among Primary School Teachers)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 10, BIL. 1 (MEI 2020) - Articles
    ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN ELEMEN KEMAHIRAN BERFIKIR ARAS TINGGI DALAM KALANGAN GURU BAHASA MELAYU DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH ORANG ASLI (Analysis On The Implementation Of Higher Order Thinking Skills Amongst Malay Language At Secondary School For Indigenous People)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 10, BIL. 2 (NOVEMBER 2020) - Articles
    HUBUNGAN ANTARA LOKASI SEKOLAH RENDAH DAN PENGALAMAN MENGAJAR GURU BAHASA MELAYU SEKOLAH RENDAH DENGAN AMALAN PENGAJARAN MEREKA (The Relationship between School Location and Malay Language Teachers’ Teaching Experiences with Their Teaching Practices)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 11, BIL. 1 (MEI 2021) - Articles
    PENTAKSIRAN ANALITIK DAN HOLISTIK ELEMEN KEMAHIRAN BERFIKIR ARAS TINGGI DALAM PENULISAN BERDASARKAN TEORI METAFORA KONSEPSI (Analytical and Holistic Assessment of Higher Order Thinking Skills Elements Based on Conceptual Metaphor Theory in Writing)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 11, BIL. 2 (NOVEMBER 2021) - Articles
    ANALISIS GAYA PEMBELAJARAN DALAM KALANGAN PELAJAR CINA DI UNIVERSITI SWASTA DALAM SUBJEK BAHASA KEBANGSAAN A BERDASARKAN MODEL GRASHA-RIECHMANN YANG DIPERLUAS (An Analysis of Learning Styles among Chinese Students in Private Universities in “Bahasa Kebangsaan A” Subject Based on the Extended Grasha-Riechmann Model)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 12, BIL. 2 (NOVEMBER 2022) - Articles
    TAHAP MINAT DAN PENERIMAAN MURID TERHADAP BAHAN PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN GAMIFIKASI DALAM SUBJEK BAHASA MELAYU SEKOLAH RENDAH (Level of Interest and Acceptance of Students Toward Gamification Teaching and Learning Material Malay Language Subjects in Primary School)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 14, BIL. 2 (NOVEMBER 2024) - Articles
    MEDIATOR BAHASA SLANGA DALAM KALANGAN MURID DI MEDIA SOSIAL BERDASARKAN TEORI SOSIOKOGNITIF (Mediator of Slang Language Among Students on Social Media Based on Sociocognitive Theory)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 14, BIL. 2 (NOVEMBER 2024) - Articles
    TREND STRATEGI DAN INTEGRASI PEDAGOGI ORGANIK DALAM PELAKSANAAN MOOC BAGI PROGRAM PASCASISWAZAH JABATAN BAHASA DAN KESUSASTERAAN MELAYU (Trends in Strategies and Integration of Organic Pedagogy in the Implementation of MOOC for Postgraduate Programs in the Department of Malay Language and Literature)
    Abstract  PDF