College and Student Activities at Various Colleges in Oxford University: Some Lessons to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
This paper attempts to study on various colleges’ student activities, via a visiting survey deriving observation through informal interview and questionnaire collection in Oxford University. Field research was conducted in St. Cross College, Christ Church College, Jesus College, Nuffield College, Somerville College and St. Anthony’s College during the 15 days visit. With the increasing awareness on the goal of Centre for Students Advancement, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) to develop and produce wholesome graduates physically, spiritually, emotionally and intellectually balanced and are able to master knowledge, we have designed the research framework for the visit according to the objectives set by the university with the theme “Appreciating Similarities, Embracing Differencesâ€. From the survey, we analyze what is the best practice among the colleges. The analysis will mainly depend on the outcome of what the administrator, tutor and student perceive towards the college student activities. This paper discusses the college administration from different point of view, illustrates the needs of comparison for betterment from different perspective. A goal of this research was to introduce a more objective methodology focusing on the wellness of the residential college student activities management system as an alternative and more sustainable approach for benchmarking analysis. The main purpose of this program is to produce graduates who will accept lifelong learning and knowledge accumulation, who are able to adapt to the exigencies of life in various contexts through holistic learning, who are competitive as well as marketable both locally and in the internationally. The group consists of 3 bright students. This project is completely funded and sponsored by the Centre for Students Advancement of UKM.
Keywords: Mobility Outbound, Residential College Student Activities, Comparative Study, student-exchange programme
Kertas ini cuba mengkaji pelbagai aktiviti-aktiviti pelajar kolej melalui satu lawatan tinjauan berdasarkan pemerhatian melalui temu duga yang tidak rasmi serta kajian soal selidik di Universiti Oxford. Kajian medan telah dijalankan di St. Cross College, Christ Church College, Jesus College, Nuffield College, Somerville College dan St. Anthony’s College semasa 15 hari melawat. Seiring dengan peningkatan kesedaran terhadap matlamat Pusat Perkembangan Pelajar (PPP) UKM iaitu untuk membentuk dan melahirkan graduan yang seimbang dari aspek jasmani, emosi, rohani dan intelek yang dapat menguasai ilmu dan kompetensi generik, suatu rangka kerja penyelidikan untuk lawatan menurut kepada objektif-objektif yang ditetapkan oleh universiti telah dirangka dengan tema “Menghargai Persamaan, Berdakap Perbezaanâ€. Hasil kajian ini akan dapat membantu pihak Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia menambahbaik pengurusan aktiviti pelajar di UKM agar lebih sistematik dan berkesan dengan memberi fokus kepada aktiviti pelajar demi untuk memantapkan lagi pengurusan aktiviti pelajar di UKM agar lebih berkesan dan sistematik. Matlamat project ini adalah untuk membina komuniti yang berintelektual di kalangan mahasiswa/i UKM khususnya penghuni Kolej Ibrahim Yaakub melalui aktiviti penyelidikan di luar negara demi melahirkan graduan global yang berintelek di UKM. Tujuan utama program ini adalah untuk melahirkan graduan yang boleh menggarap pembelajaran sepanjang hayat melalui program pembudayaan ilmu, dapat mengadaptasi pengalaman kehidupan dalam pelbagai konteks melalui pembelajaran secara menyeluruh dan berdaya saing di pasaran kebangsaan dan antarabangsa. Kumpulan mengandungi 3 pelajar pintar. Projek ini ditaja sepenuhnya oleh PPP, UKM.
Kata kunci: Mobiliti Luar, Aktiviti-aktiviti Pelajar Kolej Kediaman, Kajian Perbandingan, program pertukaran pelajar