Persepsi Terhadap Pengukuran Hubungan Organisasi - Publik: Perspektif Pelajar Komunikasi dan Media Universiti Penyelidikan di Malaysia
Setiap graduan perlulah dilengkapi kualiti dan kemahiran insaniah yang tinggi bagi bersaing dalam pasaran pekerjaan yang sangat mencabar pada masa kini berbanding dengan masa dahulu. Begitu juga dengan setiap universiti di Malaysia, khususnya universiti penyelidikan seperti UKM, USM, UM, UTM and UPM yang bersaing dalam peringkat global supaya institusi pendidikan di Malaysia mendapat pengiktirafan sewajarnya. Dengan mengambil kira cabaran-cabaran yang dihadapi oleh universiti penyelidikan Malaysia, kajian ini melihat sejauhmana tahap pemahaman pelajar pra-siswazah program komunikasi mempersepsikan hubungan yang terjalin antara mereka dengan universiti masing-masing serta meneliti faktor penentu persepsi mereka terhadap hubungan tersebut berdasarkan Skala Perhubungan Awam (Hon & Grunig 1999). Seramai 165 pelajar pra-siswazah telah memberi maklumbalas terhadap soal selidik dalam talian yang telah diedarkan melalui e-mel pelajar. Dengan menggunakan analisis regresi pelbagai kaedah Stepwise, dapatan kajian menunjukkan dimensi kepercayaan memberikan kesan signifikan terhadap hubungan perkongsian dan hubungan pertukaran yang terbentuk. Sementara dimensi komitmen menjadi faktor penyumbang kepada persepsi hubungan perkongsian dan dimensi kawalan bersama pula menjadi faktor penentu kepada hubungan pertukaran. Daripada hasil kajian ini diharap pihak universiti dapat mengenalpasti persepsi pelajar masing-masing dan seterusnya membantu mengembangkan lagi imej universiti dalam membina hubungan dengan pelajarnya.
Kata kunci: Perhubungan awam, hubungan perkongsian, hubungan pertukaran, komitmen, organisasi
Graduates are deemed necessary to be well equipped with both intellectual qualities and soft skills in order to be versatile to cope with the rapid pace of global development. Same goes to other universities in Malaysia, especially the research university, namely UKM, USM, UM, UTM and UPM in order to compete not only at national level but globally. Considering the challenges that these universities take on, this applied research has its subject of study pinned on their undergraduates students of communication studies. In particular, this research aims to figure out how far do the students understand the perceived relationship between them and their university? What are the criteria that determine the formation of the relationship based on the Public Relations Measurement Scale that was developed by Hon & Grunig (1999)? In this pioneer research, a total of 165 undergraduate students took part in an online survey. The results show that the dimension of trust gave the greatest effect on the perception of both communal and exchange relationships. Furthermore, the dimension of commitment was found to have impact on communal relationship whereas control mutuality could determine the exchange relationship. From this research, universities are able to gauge the perception of its students towards the universities and are able to further enhance the image of the university by building a good relationship with the students.
Keywords : Public relations, communal relationship, exchange relationship, acommitment, organization.