Absah Mamat, Muhammad Shahrim Ab Karim, Zainal Abidin Mohamed, Rosita Jamaluddin, Ungku Fatimah Ungku Zainal Abidin





The development of overweight and obesity among women in Malaysia has shown an increasing trend between the year 2003 and 2014 base on the Malaysian Adult Nutrition Survey report in 2015. The prevalence of obesity was significantly higher in women by 22.9% compared to men 14.5%. There are many factors contributing to the upsurge of obesity among women and among most, sleep disorders has been the emerging issue which has longed been discussed. Certain important factors affecting women related to sleep quality such as stress, insomnia, depression and some biological conditions like menopause, menstrual cycle and pregnancy, can affect sleep quality. This paper serves to review how lack of sleep quality is associated to the development of obesity and why healthy sleep behaviour could aid to weight loss. Public health approaches to reducing the burden of obesity must consider equipping the women in managing their sleep related issues and how they are able to control the food consumption and lifestyle of the family. Thus, promoting healthy sleep behaviour among women would be a contributing factor in managing obesity through lifestyle changes.


Keywords: Obesity, sleep, energy balance, hormones, metabolism, circadian rhythm


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