Focus and Scope

All authors are invited to contribute their original manuscript to Al-Hikmah. Al-Hikmah welcomes any forms of manuscript contributions that are either directly related or not to the Islamic dakwah perspectives whether from the aspects of psychology, counselling, muallaf (converts), leadership, management, media, communication and technology, arts, sociocultural, women and family. Particularly attention is paid to the works dealing with:

  • Dakwah and Contemporary Issues
  • Dakwah and Muallaf (New Converts) Development
  • Dakwah and Quranic Sciences 
  • Dakwah and Hadith Sciences
  • Dakwah and Jurisprudence & Principles
  • Dakwah and Consumerism & The Halal Industry
  • Dakwah and Philosophy & Theology
  • Dakwah and Religious Studies
  • Dakwah and Sufism Studies 
  • Dakwah and Vulnerable People
  • Dakwah and History & Islamic Civilization
  • Science and Technology in Dakwah
  • Dakwah and Digitalization
  • Dakwah and Communication & Media
  • Dakwah and Leadership
  • Dakwah and Management & Administration
  • Dakwah and Psychology & Human Well-Being
  • Dakwah and Psychotherapy
  • Dakwah and Arts
  • Dakwah and Astronomy
  • Dakwah and Counselling
  • Dakwah and Economic Banking & Social Finance
  • Dakwah and Education
  • Dakwah and Law
  • Dakwah and Literature
  • Dakwah and Psychospiritual
  • Dakwah and Socio-political Issues
  • Dakwah and Tourism
  • Dakwah and Women
  • Dakwah and OKU
  • Dakwah and Culture
  • Dakwah and Language (Translation/Linguistic/Teaching & Learning)

Peer Review Process

A screening check for general content will be carried out on every manuscript upon submission. The corresponding author may be contacted to send the revised version. Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers (double blind). The manuscript will be evaluated based on its appropriateness for Al-Hikmah, contribution to the discipline, cogency of analysis, conceptual breadth, clarity of presentation, and technical adequacy. To ensure that manuscripts are evaluated solely on their merit, the author(s)’ identity is concealed from reviewers during the review process. Manuscripts submitted by the editorial board members will also go through the same procedure.

Review Time
The typical period of time allowed for reviews is 7 weeks

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Publication Frequency

This journal is published twice a year (June and December)

Article Processing Fee

There is no processing fee required.

Article Publication Fee

Al-Hikmah is an open access journal. Article accepted for publication is required to pay as follows:

  • Articles written in English/ Malay/ Arabic: RM250.00 (USD70)

Waiver policy is not applicable. The payment method will be notified by the editor after the acceptance of the paper.

Publication of Article Types

Original Research Articles: Research papers report original research in all fields of Islamic Studies/ Dakwah and must aim at a wide readership. Research papers must have a minimum of 20 references. Word count: 3,000 – 6,000 words (including abstract, references, tables and figures).

Review Articles: Authors are encouraged to discuss with the Chief Editor regarding review articles.

Book Reviews: Book reviews should be about 1000- 2000 words (including references, tables and figure).

Research Notes: Articles seeking to advance a new idea, theoretical perspective, research program, or methodological approach. The length of text should be around 1,000-1,200 words.


It is the author's responsibility to ensure that his or her submitted work does not infringe any existing copyright. Authors should obtain permission to reproduce or adapt copyrighted material and provide evidence of approval upon submitting the final version of a manuscript.

Digital Archiving

The Editorial Board is striving to digitally archive all published articles. Currently, the journal adheres to Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia policy as stipulated in PKP PN and LOCKSS policy is also being observed. 


Research Centre for Dakwah and Leadership
Faculty of Islamic Studies
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi
Selangor Darul Ehsan