Current Issue

Al-Hikmah Vol. 16 No. 2 (2024)
Publication Schedule: July-December 2024
E-ISSN: 2462-1242 | Print ISSN: 1985-6822 |
Al-Hikmah is published by the Research Centre for Dakwah and Leadership, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. This journal is published annually in July and December. We invite paper submissions in four forms; original research, literature reviews, preliminary findings and book reviews. Al-Hikmah welcomes any forms of manuscript contributions in Malay, English and Arabic that are directly related or not to the Islamic da’wah perspectives, whether from the aspects of sociocultural, women and family. arts, muallaf (converts), leadership, management, psychology, media, communication, technology and Islamic counselling.
Al-Hikmah the Journal of Islamic Dakwah is the official publication of the Research Centre for Dakwah and Leadership, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. This journal is published bi-annually in Jun and December in Malay, English and Arabic. The journal is open to submission in four forms: original research, literature reviews, preliminary findings and book reviews. The scope of the journal includes issues in the field of Islamic da’wah whether from the aspects of psychology, counselling, muallaf (converts), leadership, management, media, communication, technology, arts, sociocultural, women and family.
All opinions given in the articles do not necessarily representing the Editorial Board or the Research Centre.
Articles in Al-Hikmah are indexed and abstracted in Google Scholar, UDLedge, Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) and UKM Journal Article Repository (UJAR).