Call for papers DECEMBER 2022


Assalamualaikum wrt.

On behalf of the editors, I would like to invite you to submit your valuable contributions to the Jurnal al-Hikmah.

Topics that fit the journal's interests include the following, but are not limited to; Islamic Studies, Da’wah and Human Development, Da’wah and Media Communication, Da’wah, Leadership and Management & Da’wah, Counselling and Psychology. We are also delighted to welcome articles related to the contributions of the late Prof. Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi as our highlight in the upcoming issues, especially in da'wah, Islamic thought,  contemporary Islamic movement, Fiqh Awlawiyat (Priorities), Fiqh Wasatiyyah (Moderation) and etc.

We invite paper submissions in four forms; Original Research, Literature Review, Preliminary Findings & Book Review.