• Zaini Jamaludin
  • Zulkefli Aini Fakulti Pengajian Islam, Unversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


One of the attributes to a leader’s profile that often get the attention of researchers is the leadership styles. The ability to influence is the essence of leadership, and a very powerful leader has high impact on the lives of his followers and the future of the organization. This study aims to look into the relationship between spiritual and transformational leadership styles toward follower’s intention to stay. Samples were taken from the political officers that were appointed in a democratic selection process by the party members. 357 questionnaires were analyzed and though both styles are having significant relationship, it is found that spiritual leadership has greater influence toward follower’s intention to stay compared to transformational leadership style

Author Biography

Zulkefli Aini, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, Unversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


Jabatan Pengajian Dakwah & Kepimpinan

Fakulti Pengajian Islam

Unversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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