Sumbangan Orang Arab Terhadap Perkembangan Pendidikan Madrasah atau Sekolah Arab di Malaysia

  • Latifah Abdul Latiff, (Corresponding author) Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Siti Nor Azhani Mohd Tohar Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Farah Laili Muda @ Ismail Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Anita Ismail Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
Keywords: Religious education, madrasah, Malaysia, Melayu, Arab


Education is an important aspect in the development of a society as well as the nation. The progress of a country is also associated with the level of education or literacy of its people. Religious based education is important in the life of the Malay society in Malaysia. Madrasah religious education or Arab school in Malaysia has its own history and it influences the religious life of the Malays today. Religious education in Malaysia was indebted much to the hard work of the Arabs who concerned with the religious beliefs of the Malay Muslims in the country. However, their contribution to the development of the religious school in Malaysia was marginalized. Therefore, this paper aims to study the contribution of Arabs especially Hadhrami Arab of Sayyid descent in the development of religious education or madrasah in Malaysia in the 20th century CE. This study used qualitative research method by analyzing works of literature as well as primary sources from official records, documents and archival records. Secondary sources such as scientific articles, books and newspapers are also referred. Findings show that Arabs, especially Hadhrami Arab of Sayyid descent played a significant role in the development of religious education in Malaysia through the establishment of several madrasahs around the early 20th Century CE. However, due to time factor and changes in national education policy, these madrasahs have been taken over by the state government. To date, there are madrasahs that use the mainstream curriculum and co-curricular system but at the same time keep maintaining the madrasah identity

Author Biographies

Latifah Abdul Latiff, (Corresponding author), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Senior Lecturer
Pusat Pengajian Teras
Fakulti Kepimpinan dan Pengurusan,
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
71800 Nilai
Negeri Sembilan.

Siti Nor Azhani Mohd Tohar, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Senior Lecturer
Pusat Pengajian Teras
Fakulti Kepimpinan dan Pengurusan,
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
71800 Nilai.
Negeri Sembilan

Farah Laili Muda @ Ismail, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Senior Lecturer
Pusat Pengajian Teras
Fakulti Kepimpinan dan Pengurusan,
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
71800 Nilai
Negeri Sembilan.

Anita Ismail, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Senior Lecturer
Pusat Pengajian Teras
Fakulti Kepimpinan dan Pengurusan,
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
71800 Nilai
Negeri Sembilan.


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How to Cite
Abdul Latiff, L., Mohd Tohar, S. N. A., Muda @ Ismail, F. L., & Ismail, A. (2018). THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE ARABS TOWARDS THE DEVELOPMENT OF MADRASAH EDUCATION OR ARAB SCHOOL IN MALAYSIA. Al-Hikmah, 10(2), 35-53. Retrieved from

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