Konsep Moral dalam Perspektif Islam dan Barat

  • Nurul Hudani Md Nawi Universiti Malaysia Sabah
  • Baharudin Othman, (Corresponding author) Institut Kemahiran Islam Malaysia Sarawak
Keywords: moral, etique, Islam, western


The world is generally and Malaysia is especially moving into the 21st century which is symbolized by the increasingly complex and sophisticated economic, infrastructure, science, and technology and material development. Unfortunately the white-collar crime phenomenon, the negligence of the task and responsibility in most areas is increasingly widespread and often happens to cause certain party's annoyance. That is why the moral and ethical importance of management in every public and private sector is felt increasingly important to be understood, appreciated and practiced. Hence this article explains the moral concepts in Islamic and Western approaches. The methodology used in this study is a qualitative method through a literature study that refers to thesis, journals, newspapers, and books that are related to the topic of study. Based on the research, the authors find that there are two forms of simplicity concepts in terms of theory and practicality.

Author Biographies

Nurul Hudani Md Nawi, Universiti Malaysia Sabah

Senior Lecturer
Universiti Malaysia Sabah
88400 Kota Kinabalu

Baharudin Othman, (Corresponding author), Institut Kemahiran Islam Malaysia Sarawak

Institut Kemahiran Islam Malaysia Sarawak,
93050 Kuching


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How to Cite
Md Nawi, N. H., & Othman, B. (2018). THE MORAL CONCEPT IN ISLAMIC AND WESTERN PERSPECTIVE. Al-Hikmah, 10(2), 3-16. Retrieved from