Elemen Siyasi dalam Huraian Hadis Gerakan Dakwah : Pendekatan Sayyid Muhammad Nuh (1946-2007)
The approach to the description of a hadis by a scholar is based on the flow that is held and the goals and objectives that are to be highlighted. The leader of the da'wah movement, especially al-haraki, also has methods in the description of the hadis, especially in discussing current issues. One such current issue is the siyasi (politic). Sayyid Muhammad Nuh is the current da'wah leader who presented the description of the hadis with the approach of dakwah harakiyyah. This study aims to look at the elements of siyasi in the description of the hadis presented by Sayyid Muhammad Nuh in his works. His chosen works wich are Tawjihat Nabawiyyah 'ala al-Tariq, Afat ala al-Tariq and the work of Min Akhlaq al-Nasr fi Jiyl al-Sahabah. The methodology used in this study is a qualitative method by analyzing the works related to the topic of discussion. The findings show that the description of the hadis highlighted by Sayyid Muhammad Nuh is based on da'wah harakiyyah especially the Ikhwan Muslimin’s movement. The hadis studied are related to the claims in the congregation and the promise of victory to Muslims is also associated with the elements of siyasi in the description of the hadis. The study also found that this approach was influenced by seven of maratib al-amal that has been idealise in the Ikhwan Muslimin by Hasan al-Banna.
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