Al-Ahadith Al-Mardudah Fi Barnamij “30 Daqiqah Al-Ustaz Don” Bi Qanah Al-Hijrah

  • Nur Afifi Alit, (Corresponding author) Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Shumsudin Yabi Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
Keywords: Weak hadith, religious television programs, 30 minit Ustaz Don


Due to the increasing demand from viewers who interested for more religious information, the Muslim preachers in Malaysia have taken on the role of hosting religious television programs to provide said information. However, there are some program hosts that, not only used weak hadith, but also made mistakes when citing hadith or elaborating hadith contents to the viewers. This begs for a re-evaluation of the hadith used in these religious programs in order to prevent viewers from practicing weak hadith. This article will focus on the phenomenon of using unauthorized hadith in the popular religious television program in Malaysia, “30 minit Ustaz Don”, where the hadith used by the host are analyzed, based on its status, the types of sources used as reference and the types of critics on these ahadith. This research uses two methods: the collection method, where the hadith in the program are collected by observing the program, and the analysis method, where the result of the hadith research are discussed and analyzed. The research found 54 weak hadith used in the program that referenced a few unauthorized sources. Furthermore, these hadith covered various topics, including targhib and tarhib which can be found in a large portion of the hadith used. In conclusion, hadith experts should conduct further research into other religious programs and evaluate the hadith used in them to ensure the information spread through the programs maintain its authenticity and be protected from unauthorized influences.


Author Biographies

Nur Afifi Alit, (Corresponding author), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Fakulti Pengajian Quran dan Sunnah
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
Bandar Baru Nilai
71800, Nilai,
Negeri Sembilan
Email: tolibhadith90@gmail.com

Shumsudin Yabi, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

enior Lecturer
Fakulti Pengajian Quran dan Sunnah
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
Bandar Baru Nilai
71800, Nilai,
Negeri Sembilan


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How to Cite
Alit, N., & Yabi, S. (2022). WEAK HADITH IN TV AL HIJRAH PROGRAM “30 MINIT USTAZ DON”. Al-Hikmah, 14(2), 48-65. Retrieved from https://spaj.ukm.my/jalhikmah/index.php/jalhikmah/article/view/485