Hubungan Insentif Keimanan dan Amalan Pengajaran: Kajian Terhadap Guru Tahfiz Swasta di Negeri Perak
This study aims to uncover the faith-based incentives and their relationship with the teaching practices of teachers at private tahfiz al-Quran institutes in the state of Perak. The study involved 33 teachers as randomly selected samples from selected Tahfiz Institutes. To achieve the study's objectives, a set of questionnaires containing 15 items was used to measure the faith-based incentives given to teachers, and 10 items were used as an instrument to measure teaching practices. The findings from the questionnaire, analyzed descriptively, show that overall, the level of faith-based incentives given by the managers or administrators of the institutes is high, with a mean value of 4.60, while the level of teaching practices of teachers is moderate, with a mean value of 3.44. The study also found a significant relationship between the faith-based incentives given by the institute managers and the teachers' teaching practices. The implications of the study conclude that the teaching practices of teachers need to be improved, especially in the aspect of understanding the verses of the Quran among tahfiz students.
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