Representasi ‘Kekelantanan’ dalam Sorok Bau Budu

(Representation of Kelantaness in Sorok Bau Budu)

Keywords: ‘keKelantanan’, batas etnik/sosial, Teori Pilihan Rasional, semangat kenegerian, stereotaip


Kajian ini menganalisis representasi ‘keKelantanan’ menerusi telemovie Sorok Bau Budu (2011), arahan Sabri Yunus. Adalah penting untuk mendalami mengapa masyarakat Kelantan khususnya yang merantau di luar tanah air mereka menerima stigma yang cenderung menstereotaipkan identiti keMelayuan dan semangat kenegerian mereka oleh ‘masyarakat luar’. Fenomena ini akan cuba dihuraikan menerusi konsep batas etnik/sosial dan Teori Pilihan Rasional. Kedua-duanya digembelingkan untuk memberikan pencerahan betapa dinamika identiti etnik atau sosial seseorang individu bergantung kepada survival dan keperluan lingkungan sosiobudaya yang mendatangkan faedah bagi kepentingan individu. Menggunakan pendekatan interpretif, kaedah analisis kandungan menerusi analisis pembingkaian wacana kritis. Hasil dapatan kajian mendapati representasi ‘keKelantanan’ dalam Sorok Bau Budu telah mengabsahkan tanggapan bahawa orang Kelantan sememangnya mempunyai keyakinan yang tinggi terhadap nilai sosiobudaya mereka. Namun penstereotaipan ciri ‘asobiyah’ sebenarnya bersifat dinamik khususnya apabila mereka merantau, iaitu apabila penyesuaian jati diri dibuat sebagai usaha untuk menyesuaikan diri di tempat orang.

Kata kunci: ‘keKelantanan’, batas etnik/sosial, Teori Pilihan Rasional, semangat kenegerian, stereotaip



This study explores the representation of Kelantan-ness in the telemovie Sorok Bau Budu (2011) by filmmaker Sabri Yunus. It is important to understand why beyond the comfort of their state, Kelantanese have been, and rather too easily, subjected to ethnic or social stereotyping especially from their non-Kelantanese Malay brothers and sisters. The sociocultural stigma attached to Kelantanese fraternities outside of Kelantan is typically provincial in nature which is often deployed to discredit such display of cliquish cronyism, to some degrees, as a form of ethnic chauvinism. Such a phenomenon may be explicated in this paper through the concept of ethnic or social boundary, which should be read together with the Rational Choice Theory. Both will be used to inform that the dynamics of one’s ethnic or social identity is driven by the one’s survival needs as much as that of one’s community. Using the interpretive approach, the unit of content analysis is informed by a critical analysis of selected frames. The findings show that the representation of Kelantan-ness in this work has not done much to challenge the predominant ethnocentric stereotyping of out-of-bounds Kelantanese. Rather it seems to have opted to reinforce their representation as a historically close-knit Malay community that is ever-ready to uphold their collective identity.

Keywords: Kelantan-ness, ethnic/social boundary, Rational Choice Theory, provincialism, stereotyping

How to Cite
Mohamed Salleh, N. S., & Abu Hassan, B. R. (2019, October 18). Representasi ‘Kekelantanan’ dalam Sorok Bau Budu. Jurnal Wacana Sarjana, 3(1), 1 - 13. Retrieved from