Gejala Ateis Melayu dan Hubungannya dengan Liberalisme
Malaysia is a country that embraces Islam as its official religion, but it is also free to be adopted by every multicultural society. It is explicitly included in the National Constitution. But lately, Malaysia has been plagued by various symptoms that are affecting the faith of Muslims and the constitution of Malaysia itself. Among these symptoms is atheism. Atheism is a belief that denies the existence of God because it is influenced by liberal ideas that have been absorbed into the Muslim community. Thus, this study was conducted to evaluate the Malay atheist and its relationship with the influence of liberal ideology. This is library research done by examining books, newspapers, journals and websites relevant to the topic being discussed. The finding shows that there is a close relationship between the development of atheism and the dissemination of liberal ideology, which led to the appearance of atheist Malay in Malaysia.
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