Tahap Pengetahuan Guru dalam Mengurus Tingkah Laku Murid Berkeperluan Khas (MBK)
(The Knowledge Level of Special Education Teachers in Managing the Behaviour of Special Need Students)
Murid Berkeperluan Khas (MBK) seringkali dilihat mempunyai tingkah laku yang berbeza dengan murid tipikal yang lain. Sebagai pembentuk tingkah laku, guru Pendidikan Khas perlu memahami cara mengurus tingkah laku demi membentuk insan yang mampu berfikir pada aras yang tinggi, menyelesaikan masalah secara berdikari dan menghargai keunikan individu. Guru Pendidikan Khas memerlukan tahap pengetahuan yang tinggi dan kebijaksanaan untuk mengurus tingkah laku MBK secara professional berlandaskan falsafah dan teori tingkah laku yang bersesuaian. Maka, sebuah kajian tinjauan dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengkaji tahap pengetahuan guru Pendidikan Khas dalam mengurus tingkah laku MBK. Tingkah laku negatif MBK ini menimbulkan permasalahan jika dibiarkan. Bagi membantu MBK mengubah tingkah laku negatif kepada tingkah laku positif, guru wajar merancang dan melaksanakan amalan pengajaran berkesan melalui amalan praktikal dan penggabungan ilmu pengetahuan. Alat kajian merupakan soal-selidik yang mengandungi item-item berkaitan demografi peserta kajian dan tahap pengetahuan guru pendidikan khas apabila mengurus tingkah laku MBK yang diukur melalui penggunaan peneguhan positif dan peneguhan negatif. Soal selidik ini diisi di ‘google form’ dan disebarkan kepada responden melalui aplikasi ‘Whatsapp’.
Special Needs Students are often seen as if they behaved differently than normal students. As a shaper of behaviour, teacher of special needs student should understand the right way to attend to the student's behaviour in order for them to think better and to independently master the skill of problem-solving as well as appreciate the uniqueness of every individual. A teacher of special needs student should also possess great knowledge and able to manage the student's behaviour professionally based on a suitable philosophy or theory of behaviourisme. A survey was conducted to assess the knowledge level of special education teachers in dealing with special needs student’s behaviour. Negative behaviour from these students will lead to more problems if being ignored. Hence, to help them neutralize their negative behaviour to positive behaviour, the teachers should properly plan and execute an effective teaching ritual through practice and combination of knowledge. The instrument used in this survey is a questionnaire containing items related to participants' demographics and the knowledge level of special education teachers in managing the behaviour of special need students, which are measured by positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. The survey is completed using google form and will be distributed to the respondents through WhatsApp.
Keywords: behaviour management, negative behaviour, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement