Kelestarian Alam Sekitar Sektor Sawit: Analisis Polisi, Peraturan Dan Piawaian
Environmental Sustainability Of The Palm Sector: Analysis Of Policies, Regulations And Standards
Sektor sawit di Malaysia merupakan sumber ekonomi utama negara. Kerajaan melaksanakan tanggungjawab untuk membangun industri sawit ini supaya kekal menjadi sumber ekonomi negara. Bagi memenuhi permintaan yang meluas, kawasan tanaman sawit perlu diperluaskan untuk penanaman. Negara pengeluar memperluas kawasan tanaman sawit meneroka kawasan baru untuk penanaman dimana banyak melibatkan penebangan hutan. Sektor sawit telah mengalami pelbagai kritikan dan laporan negatif dari NGO global untuk memburukkan minyak sawit. Malaysia merupakan negara yang terkesan daripada krikitan tersebut. Pengkaji mengenalpasti dua objektif kajian iaitu mengenalpasti polisi, peraturan dan piawaian yang dilaksanakan bagi mengekalkan kelestarian alam sekitar terhadap sektor sawit dan menganalisis tahap keberkesanan polisi kelestarian tersebut. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kajian kualitatif dengan menganalisis dokumen untuk mendapatkan hasil kajian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan MSPO, RSPO dan Amalan Pertanian Baik (GAP) sebagai program tindakan. Setiap prorgam tindakan menunjukkan tahap pengamalan polisi, peraturan dan piawaian, kesukaran yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan polisi dan kesan yang berlaku setelah program tindakan diamalkan. Tahap keberkesanan tidak dapat dilihat dengan jelas namun sejak program-program tindakan ini dilaksanakan kelestarian alam sekitar dapat dikekalkan akibat pengurangan penebangan hutan, penggunaan bahan kimia dan lain-lain. Pengeluaran minyak lestari meningkat sehingga mula mendapat kepercayaan dari pengguna di seluruh dunia.
Kata kunci: Kelestarian, Alam Sekitar, Sektor sawit, Polisi, Pekebun Kecil Sawit
The palm oil sector in Malaysia is the country's main economic resource. The government is fulfilling its responsibility to develop the palm oil industry so that it remains an economic resource for the country. To meet the widespread demand, the area under oil palm needs to be expanded for cultivation. Producing countries are expanding oil palm plantations to explore new areas for cultivation, many of which involve deforestation. The palm oil sector has experienced various criticisms and negative reports from global NGOs for the deterioration of palm oil. Malaysia is a country affected by criticism. The researcher identified two objectives of the study, namely to identify the policies, regulations and standards implemented to maintain environmental sustainability for the palm oil sector and analyze the level of effectiveness of the sustainability policy. This study uses a qualitative research approach by analyzing documents to obtain research results. The findings of the study indicate MSPO, RSPO and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) as action programs. Each action program indicates the level of practice of the policy, rules and standards, the difficulties encountered in the implementation of the policy and the impact that occurs after the action program is implemented. The level of effectiveness cannot be seen clearly, but since these action programs are implemented, environmental sustainability can be maintained due to the reduction of deforestation, the use of chemicals and others. Sustainable oil production is increasing, so it is starting to gain the trust of consumers around the world.
Keyword: Sustainable, Environmental, Palm Sector, Policy, Smallholders of oil palm