Geografi Politik dan Pilihan Raya Di Kawasan Parlimen (P073) Pasir Salak, Perak Darul Ridzuan
An Analysis Of Political Geography And Elections In Parliamentary Constituency Of (P073) Pasir Salak, Perak
Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) ke-13, 2013 merupakan PRU paling sengit dalam sejarah pilihan ray umum di Malaysia dan disifatkan sebagai ‘ibu’ kepada kesemua 13 PRU yang telah diadakan di negara ini. Ini mewujudkan scenario persepsi dan partisipasi politik yang menarik dalam sejarah politik dan pilihan raya di negara ini termasuk di Perak. Justeru, adalah menjadi tujuan kajian ini untuk menganalisis geografi politik dan pilihan rayadi kawasan P73 Parlimen Pasir Salak serta mengkaji pilihan politik menuju PRU-14 akan datang. Dari segi geografi pilihan raya, Parlimen Pasir Salak yang merupakan kawasan luar bandar mengandungi 50 kawasan daerah mengundi dan merupakan kawasan majoriti etnik Melayu. Jika ditinjau dari aspek sejarah pilihan raya, kawasan Parlimen Pasir Salak merupakan kawasan yang dikuasai oleh Perikatan (kini BN) sejak Pilihan Raya Umum 1955 sehingga Pilihan Raya Umum 2013. Bagi mencapai objektif kajian, seramai 200 orang responden telah dipilih yang merupakan pengundi di kawasan tersebut dengan menggunakan instrumen borang soal selidik di samping temubual bersemuka, pemerhatian di lapangan dan juga rujukan terhadap sumber sekunder yang berkaitan. Data daripada borang soal selidik telah dianalisis menggunakan perisian SPSS dan dibentangkan dalam pelbagai bentuk jadual serta rajah. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa persepsi dan partisipasi penduduk berbeza-beza berdasarkan kepelbagaian latar belakang demografi dan sosioekonomi mereka. 37.6 peratus pengundi berbangsa Melayu dikenal pasti sebagai golongan yang paling aktif berpartisipasi dalam politik yakni mendengar ceramah politik yang dianjurkan semasa kempen pilihan raya. Pandangan mereka dalam politik tempatan ini juga dipengaruhi oleh sumber maklumat maklumat politik yang disampaikan dan 56.5 peratus daripada keseluruhan responden menyatakan bahawa mereka paling mempercayai sumber maklumat politik daripada media elektronik. Dari segi sokongan kepada parti politik pula, majoriti responden menyatakan akan menyokong BN pada PRU akan datang.
Kata kunci: Pilihan raya umum, geografi politik, etnik, Melayu, luar bandar
13th General Election (GE) on 2013 was the most intense general election in the history of elections in Malaysia and was also described as ‘mother’ of all the general elections ever held in this country. This phenomenon creates a perceptions scenario together with interesting political participation all over the country, including in Perak. Thus, it is the purpose of this study to analyse the political geography and elections the parliamentary constituency ofP073 Pasir Salak and to analyze the political choice in the next 14th General Election that will come.In perspective of electoral geography, the parliamentary constituency of Pasir Salak was located in rural area and have 50 voting districts and as majority of Malay voters. If a review of the historical aspects of the election, the study area, known as Pasir Salak is an area was always won by the Alliance (now BN) since the general election of 1955 to the 2013 General Election. To achieve the objectives of the study, a total of 200 respondents were chosen to represent voters in the region using the questionnaire in the next-to-face interviews, field observations and also a reference to the relevant secondary sources. Data and feedbacks from the questionnaires were then analyzed using SPSS and presented in numerous tables and figures. The results of the analysed data, found that the respondents’ political perception and participation varies based on their population diversity of demographic and socio-economic background. 37.6 percent of Malay voters was identified to be the most active race in political participation, political talk that is usually organized on the election campaign period. Their views on local politics is also influenced by the source of political information submitted and 56.5 percent of respondents said that they most trust the source of political information from the electronic media. In terms of support to political parties, a majority of respondents said they would support the BN in the coming general election.
Keywords: General Election, political geography, ethnic, Malay, rural