Anaphora Resolution In Reading Among Malaysian L2 English Speakers: An Eye-Tracking Investigation
Resolusi Anafora Dalam Pembacaan Dalam Kalangan Penutur Bahasa Inggeris L2 Malaysia: Penyiasatan Penjejakan Mata
In this study, eye tracking was utilized to investigate online reading behaviour and comprehension among a less studies L2 speakers of English. The main purpose of this study was to investigate anaphora resolution in reading among Malaysian L2 English speakers, focusing on three objectives: (1) to identify L2 English speakers’ gaze behaviour when reading sentences with anaphors; (2) to identify the relationship between processing and comprehension of anaphors; and (3) to investigate the influence of word-frequency on the processing of anaphor. This study employed the quantitative method to measure the statistical relationship between the variables. This study involved 14 participants who were instructed to read the texts silently and their eye movements were recorded using the Tobii X300 non- intrusive eye-tracker with 300 Hz sample rate. The results indicated that generally the gaze behaviour of Malaysian L2 English speakers when reading anaphora texts corresponded to past studies using L1 and L2 English speakers. Next, there were no apparent correlation observed between the processing of anaphor sentences with comprehension performances of the participants. Finally, the word-frequency effect on the whole is insignificant. Overall, advanced Malaysian L2 English speakers do not appear to show significant difficulties when reading anaphors. This study has provided some noteworthy findings on the reading domain among L2 English speakers focusing on the processing and comprehending during anaphora resolution since scarcely any research has been conducted locally on this topic. This study added on and substantiated existing results from previous studies on L2 acquisition while filling the gap in the aspects of the roles of word-frequency during anaphora resolution. Moreover, this study has incorporated eye-tracking technology to validate findings in measuring reading fluency and comprehension which no local studies have included when investigating anaphora resolution.
Keywords: anaphora; anaphora resolution; eye-tracking; second language; comprehension
Dalam kajian ini, alat penjejak mata digunakan untuk menyiasat tingkah laku dan pemahaman para penutur bahasa Inggeris. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menyiasat resolusi anafora dalam bahasa Inggeris, dengan memberi tumpuan kepada tiga objektif: (1) untuk mengenal pasti tingkah laku visual ketika membaca ayat dengan anafora; (2) untuk mengenal pasti hubungan antara pemprosesan dan pemahaman anafora; dan (3) untuk mengkaji pengaruh frekuensi kata pada pemprosesan anafora. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif untuk mengukur hubungan statistik antara pemboleh ubah. Ia melibatkan 14 peserta yang diminta untuk membaca teks secara senyap sambil pergerakan mata mereka direkodkan menggunakan alat pengesan mata Tobii X300. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa secara amnya, tingkah laku mereka ketika membaca teks anafora bertepatan dengan kajian-kajian terdahulu. Seterusnya, tidak ada hubungan yang jelas antara pengolahan perkataan anafora dengan pencapaian pemahaman peserta. Akhir sekali, kesan kekerapan perkataan pada keseluruhannya tidak signifikan. Secara keseluruhan, penutur bahasa Inggeris yang cekap tidak menunjukkan kesukaran yang ketara ketika membaca anafora.
Kata kunci: anafora; resolusi anafora; pengesanan mata; Bahasa kedua; kefahaman