Perkembangan Konsep Islam Moderat dan Implikasinya Terhadap Keabsahan Pemerintahan Emiriah Arab Bersatu (UAE)
The Emergence of The Concept of Moderate Islam And It’s Implication On The Legitimacy Of The Ruler In United Arab Emirate (UAE)
Pengaruh agama dalam kajian politik mula mendapat perhatian kembali oleh para pengkaji selepas peristiwa Arab Spring tercetus yang telah memberi platform kepada gerakan-gerakan agama yang bersifat multinasional untuk menggugat kedudukan rejim pemerintah. Melalui persekitaran politik di rantau Timur Tengah yang bersifat autokratik dan konservatif, kajian ini mengenalpasti tindakan agresif kerajaan UAE terhadap gerakan Islamis dan usaha mempromosikan perbahasan agama berkonsepkan Islam Moderat secara top-down bagi membentuk identiti agama yang berbeza dari negara-negara jiran. Analisis kualitatif melalui pengumpulan maklumat dan bahan rujukan bertujuan untuk 1) mengenalpasti sejarah dan faktor perkembangan Islam Moderat di UAE. Hipotesis awal pengkaji menegaskan bahawa terdapat tiga bentuk pendekatan kerajaan dalam menentukan acuan konsep Islam di UAE iaitu melalui kekerasan ke atas golongan Islamis, kawalan terhadap institusi agama dan mempromosikan naratif keserderhanaan melalui pelbagai platform di peringkat domestik mahupun antarabangsa. Tambahan lagi, kerajaan mempromosikan aliran yang saling bertentangan iaitu Neo-tradisionalis dan anti-tradisionalis, namun memiliki persamaan dari sudut pendirian terhadap pemisahan agama daripada campur tangan politik. Justeru, kajian ini akan meneliti konsep Islam Moderat di UAE dan implikasinya terhadap keabsahan rejim monarki.
Kata kunci: Islam Moderat, UAE, Arab Spring, Anti-Tradisionalis, Neo-Tradisionalis
The influence of religion in the study of politic began to receive attention from researchers after the Arab Spring broke out, which gave a platform to multinational religious movements to challenge the government's position. Through the autocratic and conservative environment of the Middle East region, this study identifies the act of the UAE government confronting the Islamic movement and their role in controlling a religious discourse based on the concept of Moderate Islam in a top-down approach to form a religious identity that is different from neighboring countries. Qualitative analysis through the collection of information and reference materials aims to identify the history and factors of the development of Moderate Islam in the UAE. The researcher's initial hypothesis asserts that there are three forms of the government's approach in determining the mold of the concept of Islam in the UAE, namely violence against Muslims, control over religious institutions and promoting the narrative of moderation through various platforms at the domestic and international levels. On the contrary, the government promotion of contradicted ideology which are Neo-traditionalists and anti-traditionalists, but have similarities in terms of separation of religious interference in politic. Thus, this study will examine the concept of Moderate Islam in the UAE and its implications for the legitimacy of the monarchy.
Keywords: Moderate Islam, UAE, Arab Spring, Anti-Traditionalists, Neo-Traditionalists