Konflik Kongsi Gelap Cina di Perak, 1861-1874
Conflict of Secret Society in Perak, 1861-1874
Artikel ini membincangkan konflik yang tercetus dalam kalangan kongsi gelap Cina di Perak pada tahun 1861 sehingga 1874. Konflik ini dikonstruk berdasarkan sumber primer seperti CO 273, CO 890, The Straits Time, Penang Gazzete serta rekod daripada pegawai-pegawai tertinggi British seperti J.W.W Birch, Sir Hugh Low dan Kapten Speedy. Tumpuan diberikan terhadap faktor yang menjadi punca pertelingkahan diantara Ghee Hin dan Hai San yang berkuasa di Perak terutamanya di kawasan Larut. Selain itu, kertas kerja ini turut menilai reaksi British di Negeri-Negeri Selat terhadap krisis yang tercetus diantara kedua-dua kongsi gelap Cina yang saling bermusuhan. Perkembangan bijih timah menyebabkan permintaan terhadap tenaga kerja diperlukan oleh pembesar Melayu seperti Long Jaafar yang diberikan hak untuk menguruskan kawasan perlombongan di Larut. Oleh yang demikian, berlakunya penghijrahan buruh- buruh Cina dari Pulau Pinang yang diuruskan oleh ketua kongsi gelap Cina. Kemasukan buruh-buruh Cina ini bukan sahaja membantu mengembangkan industri perlombongan bijih timah di Perak, bahkan turut membawa kepada kemunculan kongsi-kongsi gelap Cina yang saling bermusuhan terutamanya apabila kedua-dua berebut mendapatkan hak untuk menguasai kawasan perlombongan. Peperangan yang tercetus menyebabkan pihak Birtish di Negeri-Negeri Selat terpaksa bertindak campur tangan dalam meleraikan konflik yang berlaku kerana keadaan ini mampu mengganggu perdagangan British di Pulau Pinang. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa, perbalahan diantara kedua-dua kongsi gelap Cina ini berakhir apabila termeterainya Perjanjian Pangkor pada tahun 1874 yang turut melibatkan kapitan-kapitan Cina.
Keywords: Ghee Hin, Hai San, British, Perjanjian Pangkor 1874, kapitan Cina
This article discusses the conflict that occurred among the Chinese secret societies in Perak from 1861 to 1874. The conflict is constructed based on primary sources such as CO 273, CO 890, The Straits Time, Penang Gazette, as well as records from top British officials such as J.W.W Birch, Sir Hugh Low, and Captain Speedy. The focus is given to the factors that caused the disagreements between Ghee Hin and Hai San, who held power in Perak, particularly in the Larut area. Furthermore, this paper evaluates the British reaction in the Straits Settlements to the crisis that arose between the two rival Chinese secret societies. The development of tin mining resulted in a demand for labor, which was needed by Malay leaders such as Long Jaafar, who were granted the right to manage the mining areas in Larut. Consequently, there was an influx of Chinese laborers from Penang, managed by the leader of the Chinese secret society. The arrival of these Chinese laborers not only helped develop the tin mining industry in Perak but also led to the emergence of rival Chinese secret societies, especially when both competed for the right to control the mining areas. The ensuing warfare forced the British in the Straits Settlements to intervene and mediate the conflict, as it could disrupt British trade in Penang. The research findings indicate that the disputes between the two Chinese secret societies ended with the signing of the Pangkor Treaty in 1874, which also involved Chinese captains.
Keywords: Ghee Hin, Hai San, British, Pangkor Treaty of 1874, Chinese kapitan